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We create two cubes in one project. We want to join the two query (querying data from two cube) together.
But we got the error :
null while executing SQL: "with a as ( select part_dt,sum(price) amount from kylin_sales group by part_dt ), b as (select part_dt,count(price) cn from kylin_sales group by part_dt) select * from a join b on a.part_dt= b.part_dt LIMIT 50000"
The example for learn_kylin as following.
We can get data using query select * from a , select * from b . But when join together,we get error.
with a as (
select part_dt,sum(price) amount
from kylin_sales
group by part_dt ),
b as (select part_dt,count(price) cn
from kylin_sales
group by part_dt)
--select * from a
--select * from b
select * from a
join b on a.part_dt= b.part_dt