Range partitions with string column types leads to issues while creating destination table.
create TABLE test3 ( created_time STRING PRIMARY KEY ) PARTITION BY RANGE (created_time) ( PARTITION VALUE = "2020-01-01", PARTITION VALUE = "2021-01-01" ) STORED as kudu; # kudu table describe master-1 impala::default.test3 TABLE impala::default.test3 ( created_time STRING NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (created_time) ) RANGE (created_time) ( PARTITION "2020-01-01" <= VALUES < "2020-01-01\000", PARTITION "2021-01-01" <= VALUES < "2021-01-01\000" ) OWNER root REPLICAS 3 # kudu table copy master-1 impala::default.test3 master-1 -dst_table=kudu_test4 -write_type="" Invalid argument: Error creating table kudu_test4 on the master: overlapping range partitions: first range partition: "\000��\004\000\000\000\00001" <= VALUES < "2021-01-01\000", second range partition: "\000��\004\000\000\000\00001" <= VALUES < "2021-01-01\000"