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  1. Kudu
  2. KUDU-1417

Kudu scanner : KuduScanBatch::RowPtr::Get* has very expensive checks in the hot path



    • Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 0.7.0
    • None
    • impala, rpc



      gets called by the Impala scanner per row, per column and RowPtr::Get has check on type which not necessarily needed, this burns about 10% of the overall CPU.

      Also similar to IMPALA-3347, it would help if the Batch has a column level nullability bit to skip the NULL check.

      template<typename T>
      Status KuduScanBatch::RowPtr::Get(int col_idx, typename T::cpp_type* val) const {
        const ColumnSchema& col = schema_->column(col_idx);
        if (PREDICT_FALSE(col.type_info()->type() != T::type)) {
          // TODO: at some point we could allow type coercion here.
          return Status::InvalidArgument(
              Substitute("invalid type $0 provided for column '$1' (expected $2)",
                         col.name(), col.type_info()->name()));
        if (col.is_nullable() && IsNull(col_idx)) {
          return Status::NotFound("column is NULL");
        memcpy(val, row_data_ + schema_->column_offset(col_idx), sizeof(*val));
        return Status::OK();

      From perf

      Samples: 182K of event 'cycles', Event count (approx.): 65636591846
       11.59%  libkudu_client.so.0.1.0               [.] kudu::client::KuduScanBatch::RowPtr::GetInt64(int, long*) const                                                                         
       10.03%  impalad                               [.] impala::KuduScanner::KuduRowToImpalaTuple(kudu::client::KuduScanBatch::RowPtr const&, impala::RowBatch*, impala::Tuple*)                
        7.28%  impalad                               [.] impala::KuduScanner::DecodeRowsIntoRowBatch(impala::RowBatch*, impala::Tuple**, bool*)                                                  
        3.69%  [kernel]                              [k] copy_user_enhanced_fast_string                                                                                                          
        3.26%  kudu-tserver                          [.] kudu::SerializeRowBlock(kudu::RowBlock const&, kudu::RowwiseRowBlockPB*, kudu::Schema const*, kudu::faststring*, kudu::faststring*)     
        3.01%  libkudu_client.so.0.1.0               [.] kudu::client::KuduScanBatch::RowPtr::IsNull(int) const                                                                                  

      And this shows that most of the cost is from the check before the memcpy

      kudu::client::KuduScanBatch::RowPtr::GetInt64(int, long*) const  /opt/cloudera/parcels/KUDU-0.7.1-1.kudu0.7.1.p0.36/lib64/libkudu_client.so.0.1.0
        2.37 │       mov    %rdi,%r12
        0.42 │       sub    $0xd8,%rsp
        2.62 │       mov    (%rsi),%r8
        2.37 │       lea    (%rbx,%rbx,8),%rsi
        0.46 │       mov    (%r8),%rax
        0.61 │       lea    (%rax,%rsi,8),%r9
        2.76 │       mov    0x8(%r9),%rax
        6.81 │       cmpl   $0x7,(%rax)
       12.14 │     ↓ jne    e8
        2.57 │       cmpb   $0x0,0x10(%r9)
        0.57 │     ↓ jne    68
        1.95 │ 3b:   mov    0x40(%r8),%rax
        0.68 │       mov    (%rax,%rbx,8),%rax
        2.92 │       add    0x8(%r13),%rax
        0.75 │       mov    (%rax),%rax
       32.71 │       mov    %rax,(%rcx)
        2.62 │       movq   $0x0,(%r12)
        0.52 │ 55:   lea    -0x18(%rbp),%rsp
        0.21 │       mov    %r12,%rax
        2.13 │       pop    %rbx
        2.48 │       pop    %r12
        0.52 │       pop    %r13
        0.22 │       pop    %rbp
        2.46 │     ← retq
             │       nop
             │ 68:   mov    %edx,%esi
             │       mov    %r13,%rdi
             │       mov    %rcx,-0xe8(%rbp)
             │     → callq  kudu::client::KuduScanBatch::RowPtr::IsNull(int) const@plt
             │       test   %al,%al




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            mmokhtar Mostafa Mokhtar
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