User does not get any warning for rejection due to whitelist when logging through KnoxSSO form based authentication. Refer logs below from gateway.log
"2016-06-21 18:26:02,074 WARN service.knoxsso ( - The SSO cookie SecureOnly flag is set to FALSE and is therefore insecure.
2016-06-21 18:26:02,076 INFO service.knoxsso ( - Unable to find cookie with name: original-url
2016-06-21 18:26:02,077 ERROR service.knoxsso ( - The original URL: http://<ranger_host>:6080/ for redirecting back after authentication is not valid according to the configured whitelist: ^https?:\/\/(localhost|127\.0\.0\.1|0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1|::1):[0-9].*$. See documentation for KnoxSSO Whitelisting."
Here is an example of a webhdfs dispatch failing since WebHDFS is down:
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