I'm using Apache Karaf 4.4.5 with ActiveMQ and jvm openjdk 11
I installed ActiveMQ like below:
- ActiveMQ
./client -u smx -p smx 'feature:repo-add activemq 5.18.3'
./client -u smx -p smx 'feature:install activemq-client'
./client -u smx -p smx 'feature:install activemq-camel'
./client -u smx -p smx 'feature:install activemq-broker-noweb'
./client -u smx -p smx 'feature:install activemq-shell'
But when using Karaf 4.4.6 and installing feature:
repo-add activemq 5.18.4 with install activemq-client
I get:
smx@root()> feature:repo-add activemq 5.18.4
Adding feature url mvn:org.apache.activemq/activemq-karaf/5.18.4/xml/features
smx@root()> feature:install activemq-client
Error executing command: Unable to resolve root: missing requirement [root] osgi.identity; osgi.identity=activemq-client; type=karaf.feature; version="[5.18.4,5.18.4]"; filter:="(&(osgi.identity=activemq-client)(type=karaf.feature)(version>=5.18.4)(version<=5.18.4))" [caused by: Unable to resolve activemq-client/5.18.4: missing requirement [activemq-client/5.18.4] osgi.identity; osgi.identity=spring; type=karaf.feature; version="[5.0.0,6.0.0)"]
Is it not possible anymore to run karaf 4.4.6 with ActiveMQ in jvm 11?