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  1. Karaf
  2. KARAF-6991

No option to quickly reload snapshot bundle from local maven repository



    • Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 4.2.9
    • None
    • webconsole
    • None
    • Tested under Windows, we have no Linux development environment.

      Production is in Linux, but there's no Web Console installed.


      Up to Karaf 4.2.8, the 'refresh' action in the console has reloaded the jar from the local maven repository.

      It was very convinient to quickly test changes by calling mvn install and then pressing refresh button.

      Since Karaf 4.2.9, there's the 'Update Bundle' dialog which allows to choose the location, from which the jar should be replaced. There's also the button 'Update from location' which, I suppose, should work as previously - reload from the local maven repository. However, it seems not to work. When I select the built jar in the maven repository, my code changes are applied, when I click ' Update from location ', they are not.

      It might seem not an issue when working with a single jar, but if you have a system containing of hundreds of jars, this is a huge burden, and a reason, we're unable to update to the decent karaf version in the local development.




            jbonofre Jean-Baptiste Onofré
            llech Lukasz Lech
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

