The Karaf container will hang looking for a missing dependency in the latest 3.0.0 snapshot. On startup, you'll see it reference the missing dependency, and Karaf won't progress through loading features or bundles at that point:
2013-07-13 21:04:33,512 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | RegionsPersistenceImpl | 76 - org.apache.karaf.region.persist - 3.0.0.SNAPSHOT | initializing region digraph from etc/regions-config.xml
2013-07-13 21:04:33,972 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | BlueprintContainerImpl | 28 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.1.1.SNAPSHOT | Bundle is waiting for dependencies [(objectClass=org.jledit.EditorFactory)]
Adding the dependency to Karaf fixes the problem, so it's limited to simply a missing dependency (regardless of whether that bundle is meant to be there permanently or not).