currently karaf webconsole list features in alphabetical order by default;
it would help if karaf shell console would do the same;
as it seems random order now:
Name | Version | Installed | Repository | Description
standard | 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | x | standard-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Karaf standard feature
aries-annotation | 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | | standard-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Aries Annotations
wrapper | 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | | standard-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Provide OS integration
obr | 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | | standard-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Provide OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR) support
config | 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | x | standard-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Provide OSGi ConfigAdmin support
region | 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | | standard-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Provide Region Support
jetty | 8.1.5.v20120716 | x | standard-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Provide Jetty engine support
package | 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | | standard-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Package commands and mbeans
http | 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | x | standard-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Implementation of the OSGI HTTP Service
http-whiteboard | 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | | standard-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Provide HTTP Whiteboard pattern support
war | 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | | standard-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Turn Karaf as a full WebContainer
kar | 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | | standard-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Provide KAR (KARaf archive) support
webconsole | 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | x | standard-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Base support of the Karaf WebConsole
ssh | 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | x | standard-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Provide a SSHd server on Karaf
management | 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | x | standard-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Provide a JMX MBeanServer and a set of MBeans in Karaf
scheduler | 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | | standard-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Provide a scheduler service in Karaf to fire events
eventadmin | 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | x | standard-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | OSGi Event Admin service specification for event-based communication
jasypt-encryption | 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | | standard-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Advanced encryption support for Karaf security
scr | 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | x | standard-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Declarative Service support
transaction | 1.0.0 | | enterprise-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | OSGi Transaction Manager
jpa | 1.0.0 | | enterprise-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | OSGi Persistence Container
jndi | 1.0.0 | | enterprise-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | OSGi Service Registry JNDI access
application-without-isolation | 1.0.0 | | enterprise-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Provide EBA archive support