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  1. Kafka
  2. KAFKA-8790

[kafka-connect] KafkaBaseLog.WorkThread not recoverable



    • Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None


      We have a kafka (source) connector that's copying data from some kafka cluster to the target cluster. The connector is deployed to a bunch of workers running on mesos, thus the lifecycle of the workers are managed by mesos. Workers should be recovered by mesos in case of failure, and then source tasks will rely on kafka connect's KafkaOffsetBackingStore to recover the offsets to proceed.

      Recently we witness some unrecoverable situation, though: worker is not doing anything after some network reset on the host where the worker is running. More specifically, it seems that the kafka connect tasks' on that worker stop to poll source kafka cluster, because the consumers are stuck in a rebalance state.

      After some digging, we found that the thread to handle the source task offset recovery is dead, which makes the all rebalancing tasks stuck in the state of reading back the offset. The log we saw in our connect task:

      2019-08-12 14:29:28,089 ERROR Unexpected exception in Thread[KafkaBasedLog Work Thread - kc_replicator_offsets,5,main] (org.apache.kafka.connect.util.KafkaBasedLog)
      org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Failed to get offsets by times in 30001ms

      As far as I can see (https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/trunk/connect/runtime/src/main/java/org/apache/kafka/connect/util/KafkaBasedLog.java#L339), the thread will be dead in case of error, while the worker is still alive, which means a worker without the thread to recover offset thus all tasks on that worker are not recoverable and will stuck in case of failure.


      Solution to fix this issue will ideally the following:

      • Make the KafkaBasedLog Work Thread recover from some recoverable errors such as `TimeoutException` or more generally `RetriableException` (maybe `KafkaException` is too generic to handle, and some of them might be unrecoverable)
      • If several consecutive retries in the first case fail (we might consider it unrecoverable), we might want the worker to be shut down so that tasks can be rebalanced elsewhere.
      • In case of an unrecoverable error (such as a generic `Throwable`), "KafkaBasedLog Work Thread" would die, but it need to trigger the worker's shutdown (eg. a finally clause to call System.exit) in order to avoid the worker's tasks idling after failure. Then the worker lifecycle management (in our case, it's mesos) will restart the worker elsewhere



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              Unassigned Unassigned
              q.xu Qinghui Xu
              Titouan Chary Titouan Chary
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