I discovered this issue while doing testing for for KAFKA-4114.
KAFKA-4131 fixed the issue of a single KStream with a regex source on partitioned topics across multiple consumers.
//KAFKA-4131 fixed this case assuming an "foo*" topics are partitioned
KStream kstream = builder.source(Pattern.compile("foo.*"));
KafkaStream stream = new KafkaStreams(builder, props);
This is a new issue where there are multiple
KStream instances (and one has a regex source) within a single KafkaStreams object. When running the second or "following"
consumer there are NPE errors generated in the RecordQueue.addRawRecords method when attempting to consume records.
For example:
KStream kstream = builder.source(Pattern.compile("foo.*"));
KStream kstream2 = builder.source(.....): //can be regex or named topic sources
KafkaStream stream = new KafkaStreams(builder, props);
By adding an additional KStream instance like above (whether Regex or Named topic) causes a NPE when run as "follower"
From my initial debugging I can see the TopicPartition assignments being set on the "follower" KafkaStreams instance, but need to track down why and where all assignments aren't being set.