When web client requests come in with query params, it's common for those params to be null. We want developers to just be able to pass in the upper/lower bounds if they want instead of implementing their own logic to avoid getting the whole range (which will happen if they leave the params null).
An example of the logic they can avoid using after this KIP is implemented is below:
private RangeQuery<String, ValueAndTimestamp<StockTransactionAggregation>> createRangeQuery(String lower, String upper) { if (isBlank(lower) && isBlank(upper)) { return RangeQuery.withNoBounds(); } else if (!isBlank(lower) && isBlank(upper)) { return RangeQuery.withLowerBound(lower); } else if (isBlank(lower) && !isBlank(upper)) { return RangeQuery.withUpperBound(upper); } else { return RangeQuery.withRange(lower, upper); } }