I have a kafka streams application and I'm trying to monitor the consumer lag via stream metrics.
Here's some code snippet
metrics = streams.metrics(); lag = 0; for (Metric m : metrics.values()) { tags = m.metricName().tags(); if ( m.metricName().name().equals(MONITOR_CONSUMER_LAG) && tags.containsKey(MONTOR_TAG_TOPIC) && tags.get(MONTOR_TAG_TOPIC).equals(inputTopic) ) { partitionLag = Float.valueOf(m.metricValue().toString()).floatValue(); if ( !partitionLag.isNaN() ) { lag += partitionLag; } } }
Here MONITOR_CONSUMER_LAG is records-lag-max.
However these numbers dont match with the consumer lag we see in the kafka UI . is records-lag-max the right metric to track for a kafka streams application when the objective is to get consumer lag?