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  1. Commons JXPath
  2. JXPATH-71

Ponter.asPath() return values not always correct



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • 1.2 Final
    • None
    • None
    • WInXP, Java 1.5, Eclipse 3.2


      String returned by Pointer.asPath() is incorrect when path starts with '//' and target is a collection. The path returned always has a final subscript equal to the size of the collection, although Pointer.getValue() still returns the correct element in each case. Below are two classes and a JUnit testcase which reproduce the bug and isolate it to the case where the path starts with '//' and the target is a collection.

      I found this problem whilst trying to write the equivalent of XPathExplorer for my JXPath-based object trees. It does't affect the main app, as getValue() always returns the correct node, but in my explorer it only ever highlights the last element in any collection (the objects in my trees aren't always unique so the path is only way to identify them individually and allow the matching nodes to be highlighted).

      Otherwise an excellent, easy-to-use and really useful package.

      /////////////////////////////////////// Parent.java //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      package test;

      import java.util.ArrayList;

      public class Parent {
      private int id;

      private ArrayList<Child> kids;

      public Parent(int id)

      { this.id = id; this.kids = new ArrayList<Child>(); }

      public int getId()

      { return id; }

      public ArrayList<Child> getKids() { return kids; }

      public void addKid(Child kid) { kids.add(kid); }

      public void setId(int id) { this.id = id; }

      public void setKids(ArrayList<Child> kids) { this.kids = kids; }

      /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Child.java /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      package test;

      public class Child {
      private int id;

      public Child(int id) { this.id = id; }

      public int getId() { return id; }

      public void setId(int id)

      { this.id = id; }


      /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TestPointerToPath.java ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      package test;

      import java.util.HashSet;
      import java.util.Iterator;
      import java.util.Set;

      import junit.framework.TestCase;

      import org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext;
      import org.apache.commons.jxpath.Pointer;

      public class TestPonterToPath extends TestCase {
      private Parent parent;
      private Set<String> expectedPaths, actualPaths;
      private Set<Object> actualObjects, expectedObjects;
      private JXPathContext ctx;

      private static final int SIZE = 4;

      public void setUp() {
      parent = new Parent(1);
      for (int i = 1; i <= SIZE; i++)

      { parent.addKid(new Child(i)); }

      expectedPaths = new HashSet<String>();
      expectedObjects = new HashSet<Object>();
      actualPaths = new HashSet<String>();
      actualObjects = new HashSet<Object>();
      ctx = JXPathContext.newContext(parent);

      private void doExpected(String path1, String path2) {
      for (int i = 1; i <= SIZE; i++)

      { Pointer p = ctx.getPointer(path1 + i + path2); expectedPaths.add(p.asPath()); expectedObjects.add(p.getValue()); }

      assertEquals(SIZE, expectedPaths.size());
      assertEquals(SIZE, expectedObjects.size());

      private void doActual(String path) {
      Iterator it = ctx.iteratePointers(path);
      while (it.hasNext())

      { Pointer p = (Pointer) it.next(); actualPaths.add(p.asPath()); actualObjects.add(p.getValue()); }

      assertEquals(SIZE, actualObjects.size());

      public void testToPathLeafAbs()

      { doExpected("/kids[", "]/id"); doActual("/kids/id"); assertEquals(expectedObjects, actualObjects); assertEquals(expectedPaths, actualPaths); }

      public void testToPathLeafRel()

      { doExpected("//kids[", "]/id"); doActual("//kids/id"); assertEquals(expectedObjects, actualObjects); assertEquals(expectedPaths, actualPaths); }

      public void testToPathCollectionAbs()

      { doExpected("/kids[", "]"); doActual("/kids"); assertEquals(expectedObjects, actualObjects); assertEquals(expectedPaths, actualPaths); }

      public void testToPathCollectionRel()

      { doExpected("//kids[", "]"); doActual("//kids"); assertEquals(expectedObjects, actualObjects); /* next test fails as all actualPaths are /kids[SIZE] */ assertEquals(expectedPaths, actualPaths); }



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