New properties:
REST_allowedMethodHeaders - Comma-delimited list of valid HTTP method names allowed to be specified via X-Method request headers.
@RestResource(allowMethodHeaders=true) - Allow X-Method to be used for all methods in a class.
@RestResource(allowedMethodHeaders="GET,POST") - Allow X-Method to be used for the specified methods in a class.
@RestMethod(allowMethodHeaders=true) - Allow X-Method to be used for all methods in a class.
Likewise, allow method params to be specified in the same way:
@RestResource(allowMethodParams=true) - Allow &method= to be used for all methods in a class.
@RestResource(allowedMethodParams="GET,POST") - Allow &method= to be used for the specified methods in a class.
@RestMethod(allowMethodParams=true) - Allow &method= to be used for all methods in a class.