Here is the example from the JUDDI documentation:
HelloWorldImpl .java
@UDDIService( businessKey="uddi:myBusinessKey", serviceKey="uddi:myServiceKey", description = "Hello World test service") @UDDIServiceBinding( bindingKey="uddi:myServiceBindingKey", description="WSDL endpoint for the helloWorld Service. This service is used for " + "testing the jUDDI annotation functionality", accessPointType="wsdlDeployment", accessPoint="http://localhost:8080/juddiv3-samples/services/helloworld?wsdl") @WebService( endpointInterface = "org.apache.juddi.samples.HelloWorld", serviceName = "HelloWorld") public class HelloWorldImpl implements HelloWorld { public String sayHi(String text) { System.out.println("sayHi called"); return "Hello " + text; } }
The problem with this kind of registration is that it is still static. The accessPoint should be resolved dynamically at runtime. Otherwise it is not possible to spawn new service instances dynamically and to scale. This in my opinion should be part of the JUDDI features.
What do you think?