New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
- 1. Plugins and other code should be able to store some page "attributes" into the "properties" of a page, just as author and changenote currently are.
- 2. This should work for both FileSystemProvider and VersioningFileProvider and any future JDBCProviders or EncryptionProviders
- 3. The properties added should be dynamic, e.g. all properties starting with "@" like "@likes", or "@hitcount"
- 3.1. A "protected" addCustomProperties() method should be done added
- 4. The property names and property values should be validated
- 4.1. A "protected" validateCustomProperties() method should be done added
- 4.2 e.g. only contain ascii characters
- 4.3 Max property key length
- 4.4 Max property value length
- 4.5 Max number of properties