Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Domino 6.5.5 Directory Server
I've configured jetspeed-2 to use Domino ldap directory for authentication.
When I try to log in, jetspeed tells me "invalid password". But when I
configure jetspeed-2 to use Apache Directory Server for authentication,
jetspeed-2 logs in with no problem.
My security-spi-ldap.xml for domino authentication:
<!-- ************** Ldap Configuration ************** -->
<bean id=""
<!-- The LDAP initial context factory. -->
<constructor-arg index="0"><value>com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory</value></constructor-arg>
<!-- The LDAP server name. -->
<constructor-arg index="1"><value></value></constructor-arg>
<!-- The LDAP server port. -->
<constructor-arg index="2"><value>389</value></constructor-arg>
<!-- The LDAP server default dn suffix. -->
<constructor-arg index="3"><value></value></constructor-arg>
<!-- The LDAP server root context. -->
<constructor-arg index="4"><value>O=MyCompany</value></constructor-arg>
<!-- The LDAP server root dn. -->
<constructor-arg index="5"><value>CN=wpsdev,OU=MyCompanyUsers,O=MyCompany</value></constructor-arg>
<!-- The LDAP server root password. -->
<constructor-arg index="6"><value>wpsdev</value></constructor-arg>
<!-- The users org unit. -->
<constructor-arg index="7"><value>MyCompanyUsers</value></constructor-arg>
<!-- The groups org unit. -->
<constructor-arg index="8"><value>groups</value></constructor-arg>
<!-- The roles org unit. -->
<constructor-arg index="9"><value>roles</value></constructor-arg>
I have entry CN=wpsdevtest,OU=MyCompanyUsers,O=MyCompany with password wpsdevtest at Domino Directory, and I can run ldapsearch correctly using this entry as bind dn. This user have jetspeed-2-user object-class.
When I try to enter login wpsdevtest and password wpsdevtest in jetspeed-2 login portlet, it says me: "invalid password". But when I enter login that didn't exists in Domino directory, jetspeed-2 says me: "invalid user". So, it's looks like ldap binding was ok.
When I do same things using Apache Directory server, jetspeed-2 logs in correctly.
I can work successfully with Domino Directory using WebSphere Portal, ldapsearch command line tool or Softerra LDAP Browser with my password wpsdevtest without any additional programming.
For example, this command line shows me info about wpsdevtest entry in Domino LDAP:
ldapsearch -h -D cn=wpsdevtest,ou=MyCompanyUsers,o=MyCompany -w wpsdevtest cn=wpsdevtest.
So, as you can see, there is no need to encrypt my password when using ldapsearch command.
So, It is likely that existing users in domino have passwords hashed/encoded differently than the algorithm employed by the J2 components ( Domino Directory Server uses LHA-1 algorithm for crypting passwords.
I think, it have to be implemented in jetspeed-2.
P.S.: Sorry for my bad English.
P.P.S.: I have found next message at
The major problem that users will be facing today is that encrypted
passwords are not supported in the jetspeed2.0 release. Given that this
functionality has been committed to the codebase, how do you feel
towards providing a downloadable JAR file to users that would act as a
replacement for their current jetspeed-security-2.0.jar - doesn't have
to be anything official, could be included as a link in the
The user would have to
- replace his jetspeed-security-2.0.jar
- restart tomcat
The user would have support for encrypted passwords and group/role
membership via LDAP.
Issue Links
- depends upon
JS2-491 Enhance J2 LDAP Security Documentation
- Closed