Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
WebSphere & on both Linux and Windows XP
Some time ago, I created the org.apache.jetspeed.util.IsolatedLog4JLogger utility class to allow commons-logging + Log4J to be used from within
a web application on Application Servers which provide and enforce their own Log4J setup.
For Jetspeed, this has been configured and used since then, but the same "problem" also exists for "normal" web/portlet applications of course.
Especially on Websphere, this turns out to be almost impossible to get working when using the recommended, and sometimes required, but
not default PARENT-LAST classloader setting.
Therefore, I will create a new jetspeed component, webapp-logging, containing the original IsolatedLog4JLogger and a new web application
Context Listener class, Log4JConfigurator, which can be used by any web application (so not just portlet applications) to "fix" these annoying
logging problems.
Note: This will only be working if you use jakarta commons-logging together with Log4J.
If you happen to (want to) use only Log4J, this won't help you a bit...
To use this new component:
- Put the jetspeed-webapp-logging-<version>.jar in your WEB-INF/lib folder
- Modify your web.xml to include the Log4JConfigurator like this:
- Optionally override default configuration parameters of the Log4JConfigurator with context params in your web.xml
(note: these have to be provided/defined before the listener(s)):
<!-- Log4JConfigurator context-listener parameters -->
log4j.config.file: path to your file
<!-- log4j.config.webApplicationRoot.key: variable name you can use within your file to refer to your web application root folder.
- Move your file to WEB-INF/ (where its looked for by default)
or somewhere else (and then define its location through the log4j.config.file context-param) as long as you
don't put/keep it in WEB-INF/classes
- Optionally make use of the ${webApplicationRoot} variable (or some other variable name as you can override with the
log4j.config.webApplicationRoot.key context-param) to store your log files relatively from your installation directory.
Example content for a
log4j.rootLogger = ERROR, pa
- debug level for jetspeed specific messages = DEBUG, pa = false
- store the logfile in a logs directory under the webapp root (make sure this directory exists!) = org.apache.log4j.FileAppender = ${webApplicationRoot}/logs/pa.log = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout = %d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n = false
I will update the Jetspeed web application itself too to make use of this new component (replacing the old custom setup).
Because the current Jetspeed configuration uses a different location (and name) for the, as well as
expects the variable ${applicationRoot} to contain the Jetspeed application root folder, I'll provide overrides to the defaults
Log4JConfigurator expects with context-params as described above.
Very important: Do not redefine your own log4.config.webApplicationRoot.key value to "applicationRoot"!
Jetspeed for some reason (yet unknown to me) also defines this variable as System property at runtime!
And, because Log4J will first check for System properties when resolving variables, this means that "your" ${applicationRoot}
variable will end up pointing at the Jetspeed web application root folder...
Issue Links
- is related to
JS2-543 Velocity logging using the jetspeed-webapp-logging component
- Closed