As per the document [0], the AccessControlHandling for 'merge' should be merging access control provided with the package with the one in the content by replacing the access control entries of corresponding principals (i.e. package first).
This means if the package contains ACEs for a principal P, it should remove all the ACEs for that principal in the content and add the ones in the package.
However, I am not seeing this expected behavior. The behavior I am seeing is as follows:
‘merge’ - Merges access control in the content with the one provided with the package by adding the access control entries of principals not present in the content but not removing the ones not present in the package.
So for instance ACLs “jcr:read,jcr:versionManagement,rep:write” to forms-users exists in CRX at ‘/content/apps/cm’ [PFA '' to create these ACLs in crx]. And now if we change the ACLs for the same user/group and path to “rep:write,crx:replicate” and install our package, a union of ACLs is seen i.e. “jcr:read,jcr:versionManagement,rep:write,crx:replicate” to forms-users at ‘/content/apps/cm’.
Please find attached package 'TestACHandling (2).zip' containing the ACLs - “rep:write,crx:replicate” for forms-users group and path ‘/content/apps/cm’
the API docs explain it quite nice:
so you are saying that if bob has: allow jcr:verisonManagement, it will be added to the other permissions and not replaced? ie:
Can you please provide 2 test packages: 1 for creating the initial test content, and 1 that shows the erratic behavior?