Currently the Jackrabbit release process includes the following manual steps in addition to the standard Maven release plugin invocations:
VERSION=x.y.z # Release version number
- Prepare the release directory
mkdir target/$VERSION
- Copy the main release artifacts created in the release:perform stage
cp target/checkout/RELEASE-NOTES.txt target/$VERSION
cp target/checkout/target/jackrabbit-$* target/$VERSION
cp target/checkout/jackrabbit-webapp/target/jackrabbit-webapp-$VERSION.war* target/$VERSION
cp target/checkout/jackrabbit-jca/target/jackrabbit-jca-$VERSION.rar* target/$VERSION
cp target/checkout/jackrabbit-standalone/target/jackrabbit-standalone-$VERSION.jar* target/$VERSION
- Add MD5 and SHA1 checksums
for BINARY in target/$VERSION/*.zip target/$VERSION/*ar; do
openssl md5 < $BINARY > $BINARY.md5
openssl sha1 < $BINARY > $BINARY.sha
- Upload the release directory to
scp -r target/$VERSION$VERSION
I'd like to automate these steps.