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  1. Jackrabbit Content Repository
  2. JCR-2357

Duplicate entries in the index



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Critical
    • Resolution: Invalid
    • 1.5, 1.6, 2.0-alpha9
    • None
    • indexing
    • None


      We are very frequently having problems with queries, because the results are always duplicated. The reason for it has been identified to be in the indexing, because when we get the problem, we now look at the index with Luke, and we can see that documents with the same UUID are there twice. This happens with Jackrabbit 1.5.0, 1.6.0 and also with 2.0-alpha10.

      I am able to recreate the problem quite regular. We have some event listeners, which themselves call the node.save or session.save method. I made a breakpoint in NodeIndexer.createDoc() and stop when there is a specific name in the fullpath property. I can see that two listeners we wrote ( FieldReferenceListener and RulesListener) lead to the NodeIndexer.createDoc() - below are the stacktraces (based on Jackrabbit 2.0-alpha10)

      NodeIndexer.createDoc() line: 247
      SearchIndex.createDocument(NodeState, NamespaceMappings, IndexFormatVersion) line: 1122
      SearchIndex.updateNodes(Iterator<NodeId>, Iterator<NodeState>) line: 635
      SearchManager.onEvent(EventIterator) line: 459
      EventConsumer.consumeEvents(EventStateCollection) line: 244
      ObservationDispatcher.dispatchEvents(EventStateCollection) line: 198
      EventStateCollection.dispatch() line: 455
      SharedItemStateManager$Update.end() line: 756
      SharedItemStateManager.update(ChangeLog, EventStateCollectionFactory) line: 1102
      XAItemStateManager(LocalItemStateManager).update(ChangeLog) line: 351
      XAItemStateManager.update(ChangeLog) line: 354
      XAItemStateManager(LocalItemStateManager).update() line: 326
      SessionItemStateManager.update() line: 326
      NodeImpl(ItemImpl).save() line: 1098
      FieldReferenceListener.updateFullPath(Node) line: 193
      FieldReferenceListener.onEvent(EventIterator) line: 101
      EventConsumer.consumeEvents(EventStateCollection) line: 244
      ObservationDispatcher.dispatchEvents(EventStateCollection) line: 198
      EventStateCollection.dispatch() line: 455
      SharedItemStateManager$Update.end() line: 756
      SharedItemStateManager.update(ChangeLog, EventStateCollectionFactory) line: 1102
      XAItemStateManager(LocalItemStateManager).update(ChangeLog) line: 351
      XAItemStateManager.update(ChangeLog) line: 354
      XAItemStateManager(LocalItemStateManager).update() line: 326
      SessionItemStateManager.update() line: 326
      NodeImpl(ItemImpl).save() line: 1098

      NodeIndexer.createDoc() line: 247
      SearchIndex.createDocument(NodeState, NamespaceMappings, IndexFormatVersion) line: 1122
      SearchIndex.updateNodes(Iterator<NodeId>, Iterator<NodeState>) line: 635
      SearchManager.onEvent(EventIterator) line: 459
      EventConsumer.consumeEvents(EventStateCollection) line: 244
      ObservationDispatcher.dispatchEvents(EventStateCollection) line: 198
      EventStateCollection.dispatch() line: 455
      SharedItemStateManager$Update.end() line: 756
      SharedItemStateManager.update(ChangeLog, EventStateCollectionFactory) line: 1102
      XAItemStateManager(LocalItemStateManager).update(ChangeLog) line: 351
      XAItemStateManager.update(ChangeLog) line: 354
      XAItemStateManager(LocalItemStateManager).update() line: 326
      SessionItemStateManager.update() line: 326
      NodeImpl(ItemImpl).save() line: 1098
      XASessionImpl(SessionImpl).save() line: 928
      RulesListener.onEvent(EventIterator) line: 376
      EventConsumer.consumeEvents(EventStateCollection) line: 244
      ObservationDispatcher.dispatchEvents(EventStateCollection) line: 198
      EventStateCollection.dispatch() line: 455
      SharedItemStateManager$Update.end() line: 756
      SharedItemStateManager.update(ChangeLog, EventStateCollectionFactory) line: 1102
      XAItemStateManager(LocalItemStateManager).update(ChangeLog) line: 351
      XAItemStateManager.update(ChangeLog) line: 354
      XAItemStateManager(LocalItemStateManager).update() line: 326
      SessionItemStateManager.update() line: 326
      NodeImpl(ItemImpl).save() line: 1098

      Now when continuing to debug after the second NodeIndexer.createDoc() I see that the node with the watched UUID is also passed within the remove collection into SearchIndex.updateNodes(Iterator<NodeId>, Iterator<NodeState>) , but when looking at the index with Luke before and after finishing this SearchIndex.updateNodes, I see that the first document with the UUID was NOT deleted and then we always have two documents with the same UUID.

      Now it would be interesting, why the deletion failed. When debugging DeleteNode.exceute and stopping at the watched UUID, I come down the following methods:

      CommittableIndexReader(IndexReader).deleteDocuments(Term) line: 873
      PersistentIndex(AbstractIndex).removeDocument(Term) line: 225
      PersistentIndex.removeDocument(Term) line: 90
      MultiIndex$DeleteNode.execute(MultiIndex) line: 1951
      MultiIndex.executeAndLog(MultiIndex$Action) line: 1084
      MultiIndex.update(Collection<NodeId>, Collection<Document>) line: 442
      SearchIndex.updateNodes(Iterator<NodeId>, Iterator<NodeState>) line: 645

      What I can see in IndexReader.deleteDocuments(Term) is that docs.next() returns true, but docs.doc() then returns 0 as the doc-id, which I think is the cause that the right doc-id is not deleted.

      Any clues what goes wrong here or hints what else I could watch for on debugging ?




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            bpapez Benjamin Papez
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