Symptoms tests by Daniel Gultsch on the LTTRS led to James stucking itself in the email changelog, failing to resynchronise itself:
[ "Email/changes", { "accountId": "cf2e474f942d8ea3192028d2e37d5b08b3ddd36fb986d2ad6a19d66277a981c4", "oldState": "4887d9c1-9707-11eb-b57c-1b93c9e59cb7", "newState": "4887d9c1-9707-11eb-b57c-1b93c9e59cb7", "hasMoreChanges": true, "created": [], "updated": [], "destroyed": [] }, "3" ]
This is an issue, as a client will not be able to receive changes past that one, essentially breaking the synchronisation logic.
I did easily succeeded to reproduce that behaviour by having the number of items in a single state change exceeding the limit:
@Test default void test() { EmailChangeRepository repository = emailChangeRepository(); MessageId messageId = generateNewMessageId(); State state = generateNewState(); EmailChange oldState = EmailChange.builder() .accountId(ACCOUNT_ID) .state(state) .date(DATE.minusHours(1)) .isDelegated(false) .created(messageId) .build(); final State newState = generateNewState(); EmailChange change = EmailChange.builder() .accountId(ACCOUNT_ID) .state(newState) .date(DATE) .isDelegated(false) .updated(messageId, generateNewMessageId(), generateNewMessageId(), generateNewMessageId(), generateNewMessageId(), generateNewMessageId()) .build();;; System.out.println(repository.getSinceState(ACCOUNT_ID, oldState.getState(), Optional.empty()).block()); }
lead to:
EmailChanges{newState=State{value=ce31b717-edff-4a27-bb28-5482a541c1e0}, hasMoreChanges=true, created=[], updated=[], destroyed=[]}
Translation: the default maximum number of changes (5...) is exceeded by a single entry of the changelog.
The fix?
What to do from here:
- Specify the maxChanges property to override the (stupid) James default
- We should increase this default to IMO at leat 256, we should rely on injections to have a (convenient) lower value in our tests
- We should avoid stucking our selves like that... => we should return canNotCalculateChanges to let it explicitly know to the client.