Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Building the app or Spring Container project with maven produces a WAR file that does not work because it is missing james-server-context.xml. Inside the web.xml file it declares /WEB-INF/conf/context/james-server-context.xml as being the spring file to load. However, unpacking the WAR file this file does not exist anywhere in the WAR. Furthermore, it does not exist anywhere in the project either. This file should probably exist under app/src/main/config/james/context folder if it was to be packaged in the WAR file, or copied from another file in the project.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Checkout source code from SVN to $JAMES_SRC directory
2. From a terminal run the following
3. cd $JAMES_SRC/app/trunk
4. mvn clean install
5. cp target/apache-james-3.0-beta4-SNAPSHOT.war $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps
6. restart tomcat
7. Exception found in log file FileNotFoundException: /WEB-INF/conf/context/james-server-context.xml