Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit, MyEclipse 9.1 64-bit, Java 1.6.0_31 64-bit
IVYDE-24 introduced a capability to limit what types will be part of the resolve, called "accepted types". However, it did not retain the original functionality of allowing all types to be accepted. In an Ivy resolve, if the types are not specified, it defaults to not limiting the types (i.e. basically all types are accepted).
We tried using an empty string, and a *, for the Accepted Types field, and in both cases, the Ivy classpath container disappeared from the project (presumably resolved to no types).
We have multiple Ivy jar file types (jar, module-lib, webapp-lib, ear-lib, etc), and more are being added every day. We don't want to have to keep this list in sync, and would prefer to just be able to leave the field blank, or put in * for its value and allow it to do the Ivy resolve without limiting the types in the resolve.
Is there currently a way to do this? If not, we'd like the feature added.