IvySettings.getRelativeUrlResolver always returns a new NormalRelativeUrlResolver. I would like to see a hook made available to set a custom implemenatation of the url resolver, whether it be setting a thread safe reusable instance or a factory to create a new instance for each use.
My interest in this comes from the fact that ant properties are not expanded in dependency module descriptors. I have module descriptors which import their configurations from a common location. The path of that location will be OS specific based on where Ivy is running. I would therefor need a custom relative url resolver which expands properties before constructing a URL object as done in the NormalRelativeUrlResolver.
The following is possible right now, but would not work if running from windows.
<include file="/repository/org/mod/rev/etc/ivyconfigurations.xml" />
An ideal fix for the problem would be:
<include file="${repository}/org/mod/rev/etc/ivyconfigurations.xml" />