I have another one of these: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/11159231
I've attached a log and the (probably useless, since it contains two Twitter-internal deps) ivy XML file. The dependency chain that triggers the problem is:
com.twitter.scalding_internal#job;0.0.2 requires org.slf4j#slf4j-api;1.6.1 while cascading#cascading-local;2.5.2
requires org.slf4j#slf4j-api;1.7.2. job depends on dal, and dal depends on cascading-local.
Note that an ivy.xml file which contains just job doesn't trigger the bug. Not sure why.
The ivy.xml file I was using, however, includes a second dependency, com.twitter.scalding_internal#analytics-batch. Because
analytics-batch doesn't require any particular version of slf4j-api, and because its dependencies include 1.7.2, 1.7.2 is chosen (I think).
However, at this point, it's too late. 1.7.2 has already been "evicted" and thus its data never got loaded. So, we crash. We can
confirm that this is the issue by swapping the order of the two dependencies; this fixes the crash.
Hope this helps.
I was getting the same with ivy-2.3.0-rc2.jar for all of these dependencies:
org.apache.ant : ant : 1.8.4
ant-contrib : cpptasks : 1.0b5
org.apache.ivy : ivy : 2.3.0
(I'm using the abbreviated Gradle notation for brevity, which I personally prefer to the # and ; separators used by Ivy. However, I'm not using Gradle on this project.)
The specific error was: impossible to get artifacts when data has not been loaded. IvyNode = xerces#xercesImpl;2.8.1
I do have a primary dependency declared for xerces though:
xerces : xercesImpl : 2.10.0
So I updated to using ivy-2.3.0.jar. The error was fixed for the ant and ivy dependencies, but still occurs if ant-contrib : cpptasks : 1.0b5 is declared as a dependency.