Attempting to resolve org="com.gargoylesoftware" name="htmlunit" rev="2.7" from the Ivy RoundUp repository with the latest-compatible conflict manager configured leads to an infinite loop:
$ ant Buildfile: build.xml clean: bug: [ivy:resolve] :: Ivy 2.2.0-rc1 - 20100629224905 :: :: [ivy:resolve] :: loading settings :: file = /Users/archie/IVYBUG/settings.xml [ivy:resolve] BLACKLISTING [org.apache.xerces#xerces;2.7+ blacklisted to evict org.apache.xerces#xerces;2.7+ in favor of org.apache.xerces#xerces;2.9.1 in com.gargoylesoftware#htmlunit;2.7 for default] [ivy:resolve] BLACKLISTING [org.apache.xerces#xerces;2.7+ blacklisted to evict org.apache.xerces#xerces;2.7+ in favor of org.apache.xerces#xerces;2.9.1 in com.gargoylesoftware#htmlunit;2.7 for default] [ivy:resolve] BLACKLISTING [org.apache.xerces#xerces;2.7+ blacklisted to evict org.apache.xerces#xerces;2.7+ in favor of org.apache.xerces#xerces;2.9.1 in com.gargoylesoftware#htmlunit;2.7 for default] [ivy:resolve] BLACKLISTING [org.apache.xerces#xerces;2.7+ blacklisted to evict org.apache.xerces#xerces;2.7+ in favor of org.apache.xerces#xerces;2.9.1 in com.gargoylesoftware#htmlunit;2.7 for default] [ivy:resolve] BLACKLISTING [org.apache.xerces#xerces;2.7+ blacklisted to evict org.apache.xerces#xerces;2.7+ in favor of org.apache.xerces#xerces;2.9.1 in com.gargoylesoftware#htmlunit;2.7 for default] [ivy:resolve] BLACKLISTING [org.apache.xerces#xerces;2.7+ blacklisted to evict org.apache.xerces#xerces;2.7+ in favor of org.apache.xerces#xerces;2.9.1 in com.gargoylesoftware#htmlunit;2.7 for default] [ivy:resolve] BLACKLISTING [org.apache.xerces#xerces;2.7+ blacklisted to evict org.apache.xerces#xerces;2.7+ in favor of org.apache.xerces#xerces;2.9.1 in com.gargoylesoftware#htmlunit;2.7 for default] ...
See attached test case. To run it, unpack ZIP file, cd into IVYBUG, copy ant-2.2.0-rc1.jar in the current directory and then run "ant".
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IVY-1204 Dependency resolution fails if a dependency is resolved and a blacklisted revision is later transitively loaded
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