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  1. Ivy
  2. IVY-1159

Resolved Ivy Properties written to cache during ivy:resolve incorrectly represents transitive evictions



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 2.3.0-RC1
    • 2.2.0-RC1
    • Core
    • None


      In ResolveEngine.resolve the code that writes the properties file appears to be incorrect.
      When the dependencies collection includes two or more entries for the same dependency (one from the root ivy file and the others being transitives), the properties file will always only ever be populated with the information from the IvyNode that belongs to the root ivy file (effectively the comment states this, so it certainly appears intentional).

      This produces the following bugs / undesirable effects:

      • incorrect delivered descriptor in some situations (where a dependency is both directly and transitively imported)
      • order of declaration of dependencies alters behaviour
        These are pretty major problems because (as demonstrated below) a delivered/published ivy descriptor can identify completely bogus revisions for the dynamic->static replacements, which are not to the actual revisions used when compiling etc

      Set up
      module one has no dependencies and has been published (as rev = 1, say)
      module two has a dependency on module one (only) and has been published (as rev = 1, also)
      module three has dependencies on both modules one and two and lists them in the order two,one
      In the module three descriptor the revisions mentioned for two and one do not actually exist (two=0 & one=0 say - repository only contains rev=1 of both)
      Ivy settings (attached) has a resolver that refers to a local repo, and has force=true and local=true set.

      Problem Case - use case: publishing module 3
      1) ivy:resolve on module three, using refresh=true, transitive=true. Otherwise nothing special here.
      2) ivy:deliver (status=reelase, pubdate=now, deliverpattern supplied, pubrevision supplied (rev=1))
      3) (lastly, the ivy:publish step woud happen here, but is not relevant to the problem)

      Expected outcome:
      Because the primary resolver has force=true, rev 1 of both module dependencies of 'three' should be selected [Because rev=1 publications are the only ones present in the repository] when resolving three's declared deps (both of which declare a dep on rev=0).

      Actual outcome:
      Delivered descriptor correctly names two as being resolved to rev=1. Incorrectly names module one as being resolved to rev=0 (which doesn't exist - and never has!)

      Reverse the order of the declared dependencies in three's ivy descriptor (i.e new order is one, two) - problem does not occur.

      Logs for resolve appear to show everything is fine (the eviction is noted, the generated report xml shows the declared direct dependency (one, rev=0) being evicted by the transitive dependency (one, rev=1 as declared in two's published ivy descriptor)
      However, debugging DeliverEngine.java and ResolveEngine.java - it is apparent that the 'resolved ivy properties file' is used to drive the replacement of dynamic revisions with static ones during deliver. In the error case, the properties file shows this:
      +revision\:#@#\:+0\:#@#\:+module\:#@#\:+one\: <snip> :=0 ?
      +revision\:#@#\:+0\:#@#\:+module\:#@#\:+two\: <snip> :=1 release
      The '?' is put there because the IvyNode that represented the direct dependency has no descriptor (correctly, because it has been evicted). Because the real selected revision is not put into the properties file, the ivy:deliver task is doomed to produce wrong results.

      The correct behaviour in this case would be for the EvictionInfo stored against the evicted IvyNode to be inspected to find the appropriate revision information. I have attached a pretty ugly example of how this could be achieved.

      Just before the comment ("The evicted modules have no description, so we can't put their status")

                                  if (depDescriptor == null) {
                                    EvictionData ed = null;
                                    for (int j=0; j<confs.length && ed == null; j++) {
                                      ed = dependencies[i].getEvictedData(confs[j]);
                                    if (ed != null) {
                                      Collection selected = ed.getSelected();
                                      if (selected != null) {
                                        if (selected.size() == 1) {
                                          IvyNode sel = (IvyNode)selected.iterator().next();
                                          depDescriptor = sel.getDescriptor();
                                          depResolvedId = sel.getResolvedId();
                                          if (depResolvedId == null) {
                                            throw new NullPointerException("getResolvedId() is null for (transitive) " 
                                              + dependencies[i].toString());
                                          rev = depResolvedId.getRevision();
                                        else if (selected.size() > 1) {
                                          throw new RuntimeException("Unexpectedly large number of selecteds within eviction collection");


        1. IVY1159.tar.gz
          3 kB
          Ed Burcher

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              maartenc Maarten Coene
              edburcher Ed Burcher
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