Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Impala 4.0.0
When running with GCC 7.5.0 on Centos 7, dataload hits the following error:
23:51:41 Caching test tables (logging to /data/jenkins/workspace/impala-private-parameterized/repos/Impala/logs/data_loading/cache-test-tables.log)... 23:51:42 FAILED (Took: 0 min 1 sec) 23:51:42 'cache-test-tables' failed. Tail of log: 23:51:42 Log for command 'cache-test-tables' 23:51:42 CACHING tpch.nation AND functional.alltypestiny 23:51:42 Traceback (most recent call last): 23:51:42 File "/data/jenkins/workspace/impala-private-parameterized/repos/Impala/shell/", line 42, in <module> 23:51:42 from impala_client import ImpalaHS2Client, ImpalaBeeswaxClient, QueryOptionLevels 23:51:42 File "/data0/jenkins/workspace/impala-private-parameterized/repos/Impala/shell/", line 27, in <module> 23:51:42 import sasl 23:51:42 File "/data/jenkins/workspace/impala-private-parameterized/repos/Impala/infra/python/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sasl/", line 15, in <module> 23:51:42 from sasl.saslwrapper import * 23:51:42 ImportError: /data/jenkins/workspace/impala-private-parameterized/repos/Impala/infra/python/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sasl/ undefined symbol: _ZTVNSt7__cxx1118basic_stringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE
This command is using bin/, which uses impala-python to run the shell. The python packages for the infra/python/env virtualenv are compiled using the toolchain GCC. Apparently, at least one of them (sasl) is compiling c++ code, so this means that the compiled python packages need to be able to find the appropriate libstdc+. Centos 7 has an older libstdc, so the system libstdc+ can't satisfy these symbols.
This seems like it should be limited to impala-python, and so it may be enough to fix only bin/ One fix is to add the GCC paths to the paths returned by "infra/python/ --print-ld-library-path"