Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Impala 3.2.0
F0221 12:36:27.886497 157443] 3843237c92f4c6b5:b5aa170b00000092] Check failed: deferred_rpcs_.empty() || (num_deserialize_tasks_pending_ + num_pending_enqueue_) > 0 *** Check failure stack trace: *** @ 0x47eb92c google::LogMessage::Fail() @ 0x47ed1d1 google::LogMessage::SendToLog() @ 0x47eb306 google::LogMessage::Flush() @ 0x47ee8cd google::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal() @ 0x1ed07a0 impala::KrpcDataStreamRecvr::SenderQueue::GetBatch() @ 0x1ed65e7 impala::KrpcDataStreamRecvr::GetBatch() @ 0x22c5d67 impala::ExchangeNode::FillInputRowBatch() @ 0x22c5953 impala::ExchangeNode::Open() @ 0x240079a impala::BlockingJoinNode::ProcessBuildInputAndOpenProbe() @ 0x238720f impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Open() @ 0x23e6d76 impala::AggregationNode::Open() @ 0x1f52b2f impala::FragmentInstanceState::Open() @ 0x1f4f7f3 impala::FragmentInstanceState::Exec() @ 0x1f62dd9 impala::QueryState::ExecFInstance() @ 0x1f610bb _ZZN6impala10QueryState15StartFInstancesEvENKUlvE_clEv @ 0x1f6421a _ZN5boost6detail8function26void_function_obj_invoker0IZN6impala10QueryState15StartFInstancesEvEUlvE_vE6invokeERNS1_15function_bufferE @ 0x1d766b3 boost::function0<>::operator()() @ 0x2223e4e impala::Thread::SuperviseThread() @ 0x222c1d2 boost::_bi::list5<>::operator()<>() @ 0x222c0f6 boost::_bi::bind_t<>::operator()() @ 0x222c0b9 boost::detail::thread_data<>::run() @ 0x3715469 thread_proxy @ 0x7f262e1efe24 start_thread @ 0x7f262df1d34c __clone
Immediately before it in the log a different thread printed:
E0221 12:36:27.557099 157280] 4145938c29f31877:6ed16e5e0000022d] channel send to failed: (fragment_instance_id=4145938c29f31877:6ed16e5e0000024c): Memory limit exceeded: Failed to allocate row batch EXCHANGE_NODE (id=189) could not allocate 8.00 KB without exceeding limit. Error occurred on backend Memory left in process limit: 12.11 GB Memory left in query limit: 541.65 MB Query(4145938c29f31877:6ed16e5e00000000): Limit=1.39 GB Reservation=704.88 MB ReservationLimit=1.11 GB OtherMemory=174.47 MB Total=879.35 MB Peak=926.55 MB Unclaimed reservations: Reservation=430.88 MB OtherMemory=0 Total=430.88 MB Peak=740.31 MB <fragment instance>: Reservation=0 OtherMemory=0 Total=0 Peak=1.59 MB SORT_NODE (id=118): Total=0 Peak=4.00 KB AGGREGATION_NODE (id=203): Reservation=0 OtherMemory=0 Total=0 Peak=81.12 KB GroupingAggregator 0: Total=0 Peak=81.12 KB EXCHANGE_NODE (id=202): Reservation=0 OtherMemory=0 Total=0 Peak=0 KrpcDeferredRpcs: Total=0 Peak=0 KrpcDataStreamSender (dst_id=204): Total=0 Peak=1.75 KB CodeGen: Total=0 Peak=1.50 MB <fragment instance>: Reservation=0 OtherMemory=0 Total=0 Peak=2.14 MB AGGREGATION_NODE (id=117): Reservation=0 OtherMemory=0 Total=0 Peak=81.12 KB GroupingAggregator 0: Total=0 Peak=81.12 KB UNION_NODE (id=0): Total=0 Peak=0 AGGREGATION_NODE (id=144): Reservation=0 OtherMemory=0 Total=0 Peak=34.12 KB GroupingAggregator 0: Total=0 Peak=34.12 KB
Logs for the crashing thread:
I0221 12:36:23.677255 157443] 3843237c92f4c6b5:b5aa170b00000092] Executing instance. instance_id=3843237c92f4c6b5:b5aa170b00000092 fragment_idx=10 per_fragment_instance_idx=7 coord_state_idx=10 #in-flight=525
The query was:
I0221 12:36:18.419795 140378] 3843237c92f4c6b5:b5aa170b00000000] Registered query query_id=3843237c92f4c6b5:b5aa170b00000000 session_id=f24bd763b83e0b5e:77f6ea4b07165d9b I0221 12:36:18.420265 140378] 3843237c92f4c6b5:b5aa170b00000000] Analyzing query: /* Mem: 218 MB. Coordinator: */ -- RESULT MISMATCH FROM ORIGINAL in DECIMAL value -- FIXED. CAST RESULT QUOTIENT TO DECIMAL(15, 4), TAKE ACTUAL RESULT AS EXPECTED select promotions,total,cast(promotions*100.00/total as decimal(15,4)) from (select sum(ss_ext_sales_price) promotions from store_sales ,store ,promotion ,date_dim ,customer ,customer_address ,item where ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and ss_store_sk = s_store_sk and ss_promo_sk = p_promo_sk and ss_customer_sk= c_customer_sk and ca_address_sk = c_current_addr_sk and ss_item_sk = i_item_sk and ca_gmt_offset = -5 and i_category = 'Jewelry' and (p_channel_dmail = 'Y' or p_channel_email = 'Y' or p_channel_tv = 'Y') and s_gmt_offset = -5 and d_year = 1998 and d_moy = 1) promotional_sales, (select sum(ss_ext_sales_price) total from store_sales ,store ,date_dim ,customer ,customer_address ,item where ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and ss_store_sk = s_store_sk and ss_customer_sk= c_customer_sk and ca_address_sk = c_current_addr_sk and ss_item_sk = i_item_sk and ca_gmt_offset = -5 and i_category = 'Jewelry' and s_gmt_offset = -5 and d_year = 1998 and d_moy = 1) all_sales order by promotions, total
Logs of the crashing Impala and coordinator are in IMPALA-8239-logs.tar.gz
Issue Links
- breaks
IMPALA-8251 Impala fails to start for TestExchangeDeferredBatches.test_exchange_small_buffer() under release build
- Resolved
It seems that there is a race window when KrpcDataStreamRecvr::SenderQueue::AddBatchWork() hits an error when deserializing a row batch. In particular, if the call comes from the deserialization thread for inserting a deferred row batch, we will end up having num_deserialize_tasks_pending_ == 0 and num_pending_enqueue_ == 0 right after returning from KrpcDataStreamRecvr::SenderQueue::AddBatchWork(). In addition, batch_queue_ will be empty. If a thread calls into KrpcDataStreamRecvr::SenderQueue::AddBatchWork() at this time, it will hit the DCHECK. The expectation is that the query will be cancelled after propagating the error back to the sender. However, in the meantime, the thread which calls KrpcDataStreamRecvr::SenderQueue::AddBatchWork() may block even if there may still be entries in deferred_rpcs_ queue. We probably need a better handling of this error case in KrpcDataStreamRecvr::SenderQueue::AddBatchWork()