Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Impala 2.11.0
In the following execution summary:
Operator #Hosts Avg Time Max Time #Rows Est. #Rows Peak Mem Est. Peak Mem Detail ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15:AGGREGATE 1 141.556us 141.556us 1 1 20.00 KB 10.00 MB FINALIZE 14:EXCHANGE 1 2h46m 2h46m 1 1 0 0 UNPARTITIONED 09:AGGREGATE 1 16s442ms 16s442ms 1 1 768.00 KB 10.00 MB 08:HASH JOIN 1 1h38m 1h38m 2.63B -1 122.64 MB 2.00 GB LEFT OUTER JOIN, BROADCAST [...]
the timer for the EXCHANGE node is misleading. It's unlikely that sending a single row across network took so long, and individual counters confirm:
EXCHANGE_NODE (id=14):(Total: 2h46m, non-child: 2h46m, % non-child: 100.00%) - ConvertRowBatchTime: 901.000ns - PeakMemoryUsage: 0 - RowsReturned: 1 (1) - RowsReturnedRate: 0 DataStreamReceiver: - BytesReceived: 16.00 B (16) - DeserializeRowBatchTimer: 4.965us - FirstBatchArrivalWaitTime: 2h46m - PeakMemoryUsage: 4.01 KB (4104) - SendersBlockedTimer: 0.000ns - SendersBlockedTotalTimer(*): 0.000ns
In this case, the underlying joins took long (which is correctly reported in the rest of the profile).
Exchange timers should reflect the time it took to transfer rows across network.