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  2. IMPALA-5504

wrong results with LEFT JOIN, inline view, and COALESCE()





      This query

      USE tpch;
      FROM partsupp t1
      LEFT JOIN  (
      COALESCE(t2.o_custkey, -1) AS coalesce_col
      FROM orders t2
      LEFT JOIN partsupp t3 ON (t2.o_shippriority) = (t3.ps_partkey)
      ) sq ON ((t1.ps_suppkey) = (sq.coalesce_col))

      produces a different result compared to PostgreSQL. This occurs in both 2.8- and 2.9-based builds, so it doesn't seem to be a recent regression.

      The problem is the COALESCE() function in the inline view and its relationship to the LEFT JOIN in the outer query.


      Because t2.o_custkey is a primary key column and does not contain NULL values:

      [localhost:21000] > select count(o_custkey) from orders where o_custkey is null;
      | count(o_custkey) |
      | 0                |
      Fetched 1 row(s) in 0.64s
      [localhost:21000] >

      This means I can remove the use of COALESCE(t2.o_custkey, -1) and just replace it with t2.o_custkey:

      COUNT(t1.ps_suppkey) c
      FROM partsupp t1
      LEFT JOIN  (
      t2.o_custkey AS coalesce_col
      FROM orders t2
      LEFT JOIN partsupp t3 ON (t2.o_shippriority) = (t3.ps_partkey)
      ) sq ON ((t1.ps_suppkey) = (sq.coalesce_col))
      ORDER BY c

      When I do that, the results end up matching Postgres. This is my grounds for justifying this as an Impala bug, not a Postgres bug: either with or without the COALESCE(), the results should have been the same.

      Consider the query profiles for the query without the COALESCE, that produces the correct results:

      Operator          #Hosts   Avg Time   Max Time    #Rows  Est. #Rows   Peak Mem  Est. Peak Mem  Detail                        
      10:AGGREGATE           1  196.528us  196.528us        1           1   24.00 KB       10.00 MB  FINALIZE                      
      09:EXCHANGE            1   38.678us   38.678us        2           1          0              0  UNPARTITIONED                 
      05:AGGREGATE           2   68.671ms   75.556ms        2           1   50.89 KB       10.00 MB                                
      04:HASH JOIN           2  460.980ms  472.610ms    8.23M     800.00K  114.07 MB        6.71 MB  RIGHT OUTER JOIN, PARTITIONED 
      |--08:EXCHANGE         2   53.569ms   60.459ms  800.00K     800.00K          0              0  HASH((t1.ps_suppkey))         
      |  00:SCAN HDFS        1   19.808ms   19.808ms  800.00K     800.00K   33.02 MB      176.00 MB  tpch.partsupp t1              
      07:EXCHANGE            2   91.832ms  101.949ms    1.50M       1.50M          0              0  HASH(t2.o_custkey)            
      03:HASH JOIN           2  206.506ms  228.767ms    1.50M       1.50M  178.05 MB        6.71 MB  LEFT OUTER JOIN, BROADCAST    
      |--06:EXCHANGE         2   95.342ms   97.771ms  800.00K     800.00K          0              0  BROADCAST                     
      |  02:SCAN HDFS        1   34.058ms   34.058ms  800.00K     800.00K   33.02 MB      176.00 MB  tpch.partsupp t3              
      01:SCAN HDFS           2   93.905ms  101.139ms    1.50M       1.50M   33.25 MB      176.00 MB  tpch.orders t2   

      Now compare this to the profile with the incorrect results:

      Operator          #Hosts   Avg Time   Max Time    #Rows  Est. #Rows   Peak Mem  Est. Peak Mem  Detail                         
      10:AGGREGATE           1  198.204us  198.204us        1           1   24.00 KB       10.00 MB  FINALIZE                       
      09:EXCHANGE            1   93.555us   93.555us        2           1          0              0  UNPARTITIONED                  
      05:AGGREGATE           2    3.066ms    3.717ms        2           1    8.04 MB       10.00 MB                                 
      04:HASH JOIN           2  140.679ms  236.316ms  800.00K     800.00K  114.06 MB        6.71 MB  RIGHT OUTER JOIN, PARTITIONED  
      |--08:EXCHANGE         2   51.184ms   53.408ms  800.00K     800.00K          0              0  HASH((t1.ps_suppkey))          
      |  00:SCAN HDFS        1    9.601ms    9.601ms  800.00K     800.00K   33.02 MB      176.00 MB  tpch.partsupp t1               
      07:EXCHANGE            2   88.551ms  177.099ms    1.50M       1.50M          0              0  HASH(if(TupleIsNull(), NULL... 
      03:HASH JOIN           2  216.025ms  241.128ms    1.50M       1.50M  178.05 MB        6.71 MB  LEFT OUTER JOIN, BROADCAST     
      |--06:EXCHANGE         2   93.506ms  105.640ms  800.00K     800.00K          0              0  BROADCAST                      
      |  02:SCAN HDFS        1  112.021ms  112.021ms  800.00K     800.00K   32.63 MB      176.00 MB  tpch.partsupp t3               
      01:SCAN HDFS           2   50.246ms   86.962ms    1.50M       1.50M   33.25 MB      176.00 MB  tpch.orders t2   

      In the second, incorrect results with COALESCE() case, we see that the 04 HASH JOIN operator processed 800K rows, whereas in the first, without COALESCE, it processed 8.23M. It turns out the partsupp table has exactly 800k rows. So in the buggy case, somehow the rows coming in from the orders side are not being processed by the JOIN.

      Note this was originally found by the random query generator; this was the original query:

      USE tpch;
      COALESCE(AVG(a4.o_custkey), 30.0083477187, (COALESCE(a4.o_custkey, a1.ps_partkey, a1.ps_suppkey)) * (-65.4342458142)) AS float_col,
      COUNT(a1.ps_suppkey) AS int_col,
      COALESCE(a4.o_custkey, a1.ps_partkey, a1.ps_suppkey) AS int_col_1
      FROM partsupp a1
      LEFT JOIN (
      COALESCE(COALESCE(a3.ps_availqty, a3.ps_partkey, a3.ps_suppkey), a3.ps_suppkey, COALESCE(a2.o_custkey, a3.ps_availqty)) AS int_col,
      COALESCE(a2.o_custkey, LEAST(COALESCE(a2.o_custkey, 825), COALESCE(COALESCE(a2.o_orderkey, a3.ps_availqty, a2.o_orderkey), 538)), a3.ps_availqty) AS int_col_1,
      COALESCE(a2.o_orderdate, a2.o_clerk) AS char_col
      FROM orders a2
      LEFT JOIN partsupp a3 ON (a2.o_shippriority) = (a3.ps_partkey)
      ((a2.o_custkey) IS DISTINCT FROM (a3.ps_partkey)) OR ((a2.o_totalprice) IS NULL)
      ) a4 ON (False) OR ((a1.ps_suppkey) = (a4.int_col_1))
      ((a4.int_col_1) IS NOT DISTINCT FROM (a1.ps_suppkey)) AND ((a4.int_col) NOT IN (a1.ps_partkey, a1.ps_availqty))
      GROUP BY
      COALESCE(a4.o_custkey, a1.ps_partkey, a1.ps_suppkey)


        1. profile-coalesce-removed.txt
          61 kB
          Michael Brown
        2. profile-wrong-results.txt
          61 kB
          Michael Brown



            alex.behm Alexander Behm
            mikeb Michael Brown
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            3 Start watching this issue

