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  2. IMPALA-5221

Fix TSaslTransport negotiation order leading to crash in SaslMutexLock(void*)



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Critical
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Impala 2.7.0
    • Impala 2.10.0
    • Distributed Exec
    • None
    • ghx-label-6



      select /* +straight_join */  count(*) 
      from store_sales a join   /* +shuffle */ 
           store_returns b on 
      a.ss_item_sk = b.sr_item_sk 
         where a.ss_ticket_number = b.sr_ticket_number and ss_sold_date_sk between 2450816 and 2451500  and sr_returned_date_sk between 2450816 and 2451500
         group by a.ss_ticket_number 
         having count(*) > 9999999999


      #0  0x00007fa373e765f7 in raise () from /lib64/libc.so.6
      #1  0x00007fa373e77ce8 in abort () from /lib64/libc.so.6
      #2  0x00007fa375f64a55 in os::abort(bool) () from /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_67-cloudera/jre/lib/amd64/server/libjvm.so
      #3  0x00007fa3760e4f87 in VMError::report_and_die() () from /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_67-cloudera/jre/lib/amd64/server/libjvm.so
      #4  0x00007fa375f6996f in JVM_handle_linux_signal () from /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_67-cloudera/jre/lib/amd64/server/libjvm.so
      #5  <signal handler called>
      #6  0x00007fa37420cbd0 in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
      #7  0x00000000009d3548 in impala::(anonymous namespace)::SaslMutexLock(void*) ()
      #8  0x00007fa370fe1439 in gssapi_client_mech_step () from /usr/lib64/sasl2/libgssapiv2.so
      #9  0x00007fa376c187f5 in sasl_client_step () from /lib64/libsasl2.so.3
      #10 0x0000000000b4b4d8 in sasl::TSaslClient::evaluateChallengeOrResponse(unsigned char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int*) ()
      #11 0x0000000000b4ee8e in apache::thrift::transport::TSaslTransport::open() ()
      #12 0x0000000000da36fa in impala::ThriftClientImpl::Open() ()
      #13 0x0000000000da3b02 in impala::ThriftClientImpl::OpenWithRetry(unsigned int, unsigned long) ()
      #14 0x0000000000a4b55b in impala::ClientCacheHelper::CreateClient(impala::TNetworkAddress const&, boost::function<impala::ThriftClientImpl* (impala::TNetworkAddress const&, void**)>, void**) ()
      #15 0x0000000000a4bb33 in impala::ClientCacheHelper::GetClient(impala::TNetworkAddress const&, boost::function<impala::ThriftClientImpl* (impala::TNetworkAddress const&, void**)>, void**) ()
      #16 0x0000000000dc6f36 in impala::DataStreamSender::Channel::TransmitDataHelper(impala::TRowBatch const*) ()
      #17 0x0000000000dc74f1 in impala::DataStreamSender::Channel::TransmitData(int, impala::TRowBatch const*) ()
      #18 0x0000000000dc82bd in impala::ThreadPool<impala::TRowBatch*>::WorkerThread(int) ()
      #19 0x0000000000bd4279 in impala::Thread::SuperviseThread(std::string const&, std::string const&, boost::function<void ()>, impala::Promise<long>*) ()
      #20 0x0000000000bd4c54 in boost::detail::thread_data<boost::_bi::bind_t<void, void (*)(std::string const&, std::string const&, boost::function<void ()>, impala::Promise<long>*), boost::_bi::list4<boost::_bi::value<std::string>, boost::_bi::value<std::string>, boost::_bi::value<boost::function<void ()> >, boost::_bi::value<impala::Promise<long>*> > > >::run() ()
      #21 0x0000000000e1e0ea in thread_proxy ()
      #22 0x00007fa37420adc5 in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
      #23 0x00007fa373f37ced in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6

      Seems like m is invalid

      static int SaslMutexLock(void* m) {
        return 0; // indicates success.
      | Operator        | #Hosts | Avg Time | Max Time | #Rows   | Est. #Rows | Peak Mem  | Est. Peak Mem | Detail                                |
      | 08:EXCHANGE     | 1      | 0ns      | 0ns      | 0       | 2.46B      | 0 B       | -1 B          | UNPARTITIONED                         |
      | 07:AGGREGATE    | 678    | 1.05ms   | 8.84ms   | 0       | 2.46B      | 2.27 MB   | 609.31 MB     | FINALIZE                              |
      | 06:EXCHANGE     | 678    | 0ns      | 0ns      | 0       | 24.61B     | 0 B       | 0 B           | HASH(a.ss_ticket_number)              |
      | 03:AGGREGATE    | 678    | 340.80us | 1.22ms   | 0       | 24.61B     | 1.27 MB   | 609.31 MB     | STREAMING                             |
      | 02:HASH JOIN    | 678    | 95.29ms  | 38.66s   | 0       | 26.36B     | 137.09 MB | 195.17 MB     | INNER JOIN, PARTITIONED               |
      | |--05:EXCHANGE  | 678    | 735.21us | 20.47ms  | 13.97M  | 7.88B      | 0 B       | 0 B           | HASH(b.sr_item_sk,b.sr_ticket_number) |
      | |  01:SCAN HDFS | 674    | 474.54ms | 1.04s    | 713.00M | 7.88B      | 206.65 MB | 176.00 MB     | tpcds_100000_parquet.store_returns b  |
      | 04:EXCHANGE     | 678    | 33.35us  | 384.76us | 0       | 96.23B     | 0 B       | 0 B           | HASH(a.ss_item_sk,a.ss_ticket_number) |
      | 00:SCAN HDFS    | 678    | 1.10s    | 1.71s    | 705.58M | 96.23B     | 926.86 MB | 176.00 MB     | tpcds_100000_parquet.store_sales a    |


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              sailesh Sailesh Mukil
              mmokhtar Mostafa Mokhtar
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