Status: Resolved
Resolution: Duplicate
Impala 2.8.0
Recent changes re: the way we start up impalad are affecting the effort to load data and run end-to-end tests on a remote cluster.
6) Add a startup flag to impalad to specify the default Kudu master addresses. The flag is used as the default value for the table property kudu_master_addresses but it can still be overriden using TBLPROPERTIES.
from data-load-functional-exhaustive.log:
(load-functional-query-exhaustive-impala-generated-kudu-none-none.sql): CREATE TABLE functional_kudu.alltypes ( id INT PRIMARY KEY, bool_col BOOLEAN, tinyint_col TINYINT, smallint_col SMALLINT, int_col INT, bigint_col BIGINT, float_col FLOAT, double_col DOUBLE, date_string_col STRING, string_col STRING, timestamp_col STRING, year INT, month INT ) DISTRIBUTE BY HASH (id) INTO 3 BUCKETS STORED AS KUDU Data Loading from Impala failed with error: ImpalaBeeswaxException: INNER EXCEPTION: <class 'beeswaxd.ttypes.BeeswaxException'> MESSAGE: AnalysisException: Table property 'kudu.master_addresses' is required when the impalad startup flag -kudu_master_hosts is not used. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/systest/Impala/bin/", line 158, in exec_impala_query_from_file result = impala_client.execute(query) File "/home/systest/Impala/tests/beeswax/", line 173, in execute handle = self.__execute_query(query_string.strip(), user=user) File "/home/systest/Impala/tests/beeswax/", line 337, in __execute_query handle = self.execute_query_async(query_string, user=user) File "/home/systest/Impala/tests/beeswax/", line 333, in execute_query_async return self.__do_rpc(lambda: self.imp_service.query(query,)) File "/home/systest/Impala/tests/beeswax/", line 458, in __do_rpc raise ImpalaBeeswaxException(self.__build_error_message(b), b) ImpalaBeeswaxException: ImpalaBeeswaxException: INNER EXCEPTION: <class 'beeswaxd.ttypes.BeeswaxException'> MESSAGE: AnalysisException: Table property 'kudu.master_addresses' is required when the impalad startup flag -kudu_master_hosts is not used.
Issue Links
- blocks
IMPALA-4031 Upload data from a test-warehouse snapshot to an actual cluster.
- Resolved