Status: Resolved
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Impala 2.8.0, Impala 2.9.0
The ubuntu 14.04 build started failing with this build:
05:17:05 Killing running services... 05:17:10 Starting cluster services... 05:17:10 Stopping kudu 05:17:10 Stopping kms 05:17:10 Stopping llama 05:17:10 Stopping yarn 05:17:10 Stopping hdfs 05:17:12 Starting hdfs (Web UI - http://localhost:5070) 05:17:35 Namenode started 05:17:35 Starting yarn (Web UI - http://localhost:8088) 05:17:40 Starting llama (Web UI - http://localhost:1501) 05:17:46 Starting kms (Web UI - http://localhost:16000) 05:17:47 Starting kudu (Web UI - http://localhost:8051) 05:18:03 The cluster is running 05:18:03 --> Starting HBase 05:18:05 HBase start attempt: 1/5 05:18:05 Killing any HBase processes possibly lingering from previous start attempts 05:18:05 Stopping Hbase 05:18:13 localhost: Host key verification failed. 05:18:13 starting master, logging to /home/jenkins/Impala/logs/cluster/hbase/ 05:18:14 starting regionserver, logging to /home/jenkins/Impala/logs/cluster/hbase/ 05:18:16 starting regionserver, logging to /home/jenkins/Impala/logs/cluster/hbase/ 05:18:17 starting regionserver, logging to /home/jenkins/Impala/logs/cluster/hbase/ 05:18:26 Contents of HDFS root: [] 05:18:26 Connecting to Zookeeper host(s). 05:18:26 No handlers could be found for logger "kazoo.client" 05:18:56 Could not connect to Zookeeper: Connection time-out 05:18:56 Error in /home/jenkins/Impala/testdata/bin/ at line 129: ${CLUSTER_BIN}/ 05:18:56 Error in /home/jenkins/Impala/testdata/bin/ at line 51: tee ${IMPALA_CLUSTER_LOGS_DIR}/run-hbase.log 05:18:56 Error in /home/jenkins/Impala/ at line 346: "$IMPALA_HOME/testdata/bin/" -format 05:18:56 Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure 05:18:56 [ssh-agent] Stopped. 05:18:57 Email was triggered for: Failure 05:18:57 Sending email for trigger: Failure 05:18:57 Request made to compress build log 05:18:57 Sending email to: 05:18:57 Finished: FAILURE