metadata.test_last_ddl_time_update.TestLastDdlTimeUpdate.test_insert[exec_option: {'disable_codegen': True, 'abort_on_error': 1, 'exec_single_node_rows_threshold': 0, 'batch_size': 0, 'num_nodes': 0} | table_format: text/none] (from pytest)
Failing for the past 1 build (Since Unstable#16 )
Took 11 sec.
add description
Error Message
ImpalaBeeswaxException: ImpalaBeeswaxException: INNER EXCEPTION: <class 'beeswaxd.ttypes.BeeswaxException'> MESSAGE: IllegalStateException: Illegal reference to non-materialized slot: tid=0 sid=0
metadata/ in test_insert
"where t.i < 10" % FULL_NAME, False)
metadata/ in run_test
result = self.execute_query(query)
common/ in wrapper
return function(*args, **kwargs)
common/ in execute_query
return self.__execute_query(self.client, query, query_options)
common/ in __execute_query
return impalad_client.execute(query, user=user)
common/ in execute
return self.__beeswax_client.execute(sql_stmt, user=user)
beeswax/ in execute
handle = self.__execute_query(query_string.strip(), user=user)
beeswax/ in __execute_query
handle = self.execute_query_async(query_string, user=user)
beeswax/ in execute_query_async
return self.__do_rpc(lambda: self.imp_service.query(query,))
beeswax/ in __do_rpc
raise ImpalaBeeswaxException(self.__build_error_message(b), b)
E ImpalaBeeswaxException: ImpalaBeeswaxException:
E INNER EXCEPTION: <class 'beeswaxd.ttypes.BeeswaxException'>
E MESSAGE: IllegalStateException: Illegal reference to non-materialized slot: tid=0 sid=0
Standard Error
-- executing against localhost:21000
drop table if exists metastore_update.ddltime_test;
-- executing against localhost:21000
drop database if exists metastore_update;
-- executing against localhost:21000
create database if not exists metastore_update LOCATION '/test-warehouse/metastore_update';
-- executing against localhost:21000
create external table if not exists metastore_update.ddltime_test (i int) partitioned by (j int, s string);
-- executing against localhost:21000
insert into metastore_update.ddltime_test partition(j=1, s='2012') select 10;
-- executing against localhost:21000
insert into metastore_update.ddltime_test partition(j, s) select 10, 2, '2013';
-- executing against localhost:21000
insert into metastore_update.ddltime_test partition(j, s) select * from (select 10 as i, 2 as j, '2013' as s) as t where t.i < 10;