Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Impala 2.2
These would be advisory, ie, Impala would not attempt to enforce them. However, they could be used for cardinality estimation during query planning.
To be compatible with Hive:
- We neither enforce or validate integrity constraints. Hence, DISABLE and NOVALIDATE options are mandatory.
- RELY/NORELY is optional. The CBO is expected to use this information when a user specifies “RELY”. The default is NORELY.
- Since we do not yet have UNIQUE in Hive, the FK mentioned must be Primary Key column in parent table.
Support create table syntax like hive does:
- create table pk(id1 integer, id2 integer, primary key(id1, id2) DISABLE NOVALIDATE);
- create table fk(id1 integer, id2 integer, foreign key(id1, id2) references pk(id2, id1) DISABLE NOVALIDATE);
- create table T1(id integer, name string, primary key(id) DISABLE NOVALIDATE RELY