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  2. IMPALA-11499

Refactor UrlEncode function to handle special characters



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Critical
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • Impala 4.4.0
    • Backend
    • None
    • ghx-label-3


      Partition values are incorrectly URL-encoded in backend for unicode characters, e.g. '运营业务数据' is encoded to '�%FFFFFFBF�营业务数据' which is wrong.

      To reproduce the issue, first create a partition table:

      create table my_part_tbl (id int) partitioned by (p string) stored as parquet;

      Then insert data into it using partition values containing '运'. They will fail:

      [localhost:21050] default> insert into my_part_tbl partition(p='运营业务数据') values (0);
      Query: insert into my_part_tbl partition(p='运营业务数据') values (0)
      Query submitted at: 2022-08-16 10:03:56 (Coordinator: http://quanlong-OptiPlex-BJ:25000)
      Query progress can be monitored at: http://quanlong-OptiPlex-BJ:25000/query_plan?query_id=404ac3027c4b7169:39d16a2d00000000
      ERROR: Error(s) moving partition files. First error (of 1) was: Hdfs op (RENAME hdfs://localhost:20500/test-warehouse/my_part_tbl/_impala_insert_staging/404ac3027c4b7169_39d16a2d00000000/.404ac3027c4b7169-39d16a2d00000000_1475855322_dir/p=�%FFFFFFBF�营业务数据/404ac3027c4b7169-39d16a2d00000000_1585092794_data.0.parq TO hdfs://localhost:20500/test-warehouse/my_part_tbl/p=�%FFFFFFBF�营业务数据/404ac3027c4b7169-39d16a2d00000000_1585092794_data.0.parq) failed, error was: hdfs://localhost:20500/test-warehouse/my_part_tbl/_impala_insert_staging/404ac3027c4b7169_39d16a2d00000000/.404ac3027c4b7169-39d16a2d00000000_1475855322_dir/p=�%FFFFFFBF�营业务数据/404ac3027c4b7169-39d16a2d00000000_1585092794_data.0.parq
      Error(5): Input/output error
      [localhost:21050] default> insert into my_part_tbl partition(p='运') values (0);
      Query: insert into my_part_tbl partition(p='运') values (0)
      Query submitted at: 2022-08-16 10:04:22 (Coordinator: http://quanlong-OptiPlex-BJ:25000)
      Query progress can be monitored at: http://quanlong-OptiPlex-BJ:25000/query_plan?query_id=a64e5883473ec28d:86e7e33500000000
      ERROR: Error(s) moving partition files. First error (of 1) was: Hdfs op (RENAME hdfs://localhost:20500/test-warehouse/my_part_tbl/_impala_insert_staging/a64e5883473ec28d_86e7e33500000000/.a64e5883473ec28d-86e7e33500000000_1582623091_dir/p=�%FFFFFFBF�/a64e5883473ec28d-86e7e33500000000_163454510_data.0.parq TO hdfs://localhost:20500/test-warehouse/my_part_tbl/p=�%FFFFFFBF�/a64e5883473ec28d-86e7e33500000000_163454510_data.0.parq) failed, error was: hdfs://localhost:20500/test-warehouse/my_part_tbl/_impala_insert_staging/a64e5883473ec28d_86e7e33500000000/.a64e5883473ec28d-86e7e33500000000_1582623091_dir/p=�%FFFFFFBF�/a64e5883473ec28d-86e7e33500000000_163454510_data.0.parq
      Error(5): Input/output error

      However, partition value without the character '运' is OK:

      [localhost:21050] default> insert into my_part_tbl partition(p='营业务数据') values (0);
      Query: insert into my_part_tbl partition(p='营业务数据') values (0)
      Query submitted at: 2022-08-16 10:04:13 (Coordinator: http://quanlong-OptiPlex-BJ:25000)
      Query progress can be monitored at: http://quanlong-OptiPlex-BJ:25000/query_plan?query_id=b04894bfcfc3836a:b1ac903600000000
      Modified 1 row(s) in 0.21s

      Hive is able to execute all these statements.

      I'm able to narrow down the issue into Backend, where we URL-encode the partition value in HdfsTableSink::InitOutputPartition():

            string value_str;
            partition_key_expr_evals_[j]->PrintValue(value, &value_str);
            // Directory names containing partition-key values need to be UrlEncoded, in
            // particular to avoid problems when '/' is part of the key value (which might
            // occur, for example, with date strings). Hive will URL decode the value
            // transparently when Impala's frontend asks the metastore for partition key values,
            // which makes it particularly important that we use the same encoding as Hive. It's
            // also not necessary to encode the values when writing partition metadata. You can
            // check this with 'show partitions <tbl>' in Hive, followed by a select from a
            // decoded partition key value.
            string encoded_str;
            UrlEncode(value_str, &encoded_str, true);
      string part_key_value = (encoded_str.empty() ?
                                    table_desc_->null_partition_key_value() : encoded_str);
            // If the string is empty, map it to nullptr (mimicking Hive's behaviour)
            partition_name_ss << part_key_value;
            if (is_external_part) {
              external_partition_name_ss << part_key_value;


      Current code of UrlEncode seems not handling UTF-8 encoded strings correctly:

      static inline void UrlEncode(const char* in, int in_len, string* out, bool hive_compat) {
        stringstream ss;
        for (int i = 0; i < in_len; ++i) {
          const char ch = in[i];
          // Escape the character iff a) we are in Hive-compat mode and the
          // character is in the Hive whitelist or b) we are not in
          // Hive-compat mode, and the character is not alphanumeric or one
          // of the four commonly excluded characters.
          if ((hive_compat && HiveShouldEscape(ch)) ||
              (!hive_compat && !(isalnum(ch) || ShouldNotEscape(ch)))) {
            ss << '%' << uppercase << hex << static_cast<uint32_t>(ch);
          } else {
            ss << ch;
        (*out) = ss.str();


      With adding some more loggings, I can see "运营业务数据" is encoded into "�%FFFFFFBF�营业务数据" by this method.


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              pranav.lodha Pranav Yogi Lodha
              stigahuang Quanlong Huang
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