New Feature
Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
ALTER VIEW SET TBLPROPERTIES is supported in Hive but not Impala.
Query: alter view functional.complex_view set tblproperties ('Authorized' = 'false') ERROR: ParseException: Syntax error in line 1: ...nctional.complex_view set tblproperties ('Authorized' ... ^ Encountered: TBLPROPERTIES Expected: IDENTIFIER CAUSED BY: Exception: Syntax error
We currently only support altering the view definition, view name and owner. See fe/src/main/cup/sql-parser.cup:
alter_view_stmt ::= KW_ALTER KW_VIEW table_name:table view_column_defs:col_defs KW_AS query_stmt:view_def {: RESULT = new AlterViewStmt(table, col_defs, view_def); :} | KW_ALTER KW_VIEW table_name:before_table KW_RENAME KW_TO table_name:new_table {: RESULT = new AlterTableOrViewRenameStmt(before_table, new_table, false); :} | KW_ALTER KW_VIEW table_name:table KW_SET IDENT:owner_id IDENT:user_id ident_or_default:user {: parser.checkIdentKeyword("OWNER", owner_id); parser.checkIdentKeyword("USER", user_id); RESULT = new AlterViewSetOwnerStmt(table, new Owner(TOwnerType.USER, user)); :} | KW_ALTER KW_VIEW table_name:table KW_SET IDENT:owner_id KW_ROLE ident_or_default:role {: parser.checkIdentKeyword("OWNER", owner_id); RESULT = new AlterViewSetOwnerStmt(table, new Owner(TOwnerType.ROLE, role)); :} ;
It'd be nice to support altering the tblproperties.