Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Impala 0.6
Wrong result of double value returns after executing "insert overwrite ~ select" in Impala while it doesn't run into the trouble using Hive. Correct value should be returned as well as doing with Hive. To reproduce this issue, follow the below steps:
# hive -e "create table t1 (v double);" # hive -e "create table t2 (v double);" # echo "12.34567" > /tmp/data.txt # hive -e "load data local inpath '/tmp/data.txt' into table t1;" # impala-shell --impalad= --query="select v from t1;"
This may return the correct value as "12.34567".
# impala-shell --impalad= --query="insert overwrite table t2 select * from t1;" # impala-shell --impalad= --query="select v from t2;"
This would returns the wronge value as "12.3457". It might be a bug. Meanwhile, we can get the correct value if "insert overwrite ~ select" using HiveQL:
# hive -e "create table t3 (v double);" # hive -e "insert into table t3 select * from t1;" # impala-shell --impalad= --query="select v from t3;"
This returns the correct value as "12.34567".