New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Commons Imaging does not support the floating-point format included in the TIFF specification. There are prominent data sources that issue products in this format. The ability to support this information would open up new application areas for Commons Imaging.
TIFF is often used as a mechanism for distributing data from geophysical applications in the form of GeoTIFF files. Some of this is not imagery, but data. For example, the US Geological Survey is currently releasing high-resolution elevation data grids for the 3DEP program under the name Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFF (COG). It is a substantial data set with significant potential commercial and academic applications.
To access this data means modifying the TIFF DataReaderStrips and DataReaderTile classes to recognize floating point data (which is typically indicated using TIFF tag #339, SampleFormat). Also, returning the data in the form of a BufferedImage makes no sense at all, so the API on the TiffImageParser and supporting classes would need additional methods to return arrays of floats. The good news here is that that requirement would mean adding new methods to the classes rather than making significant changes to existing classes. So the probability of unintended consequences or new bugs in existing code would be minimized.
Specification details for floating-point are given in the main TIFF-6 documentations and Adobe Photoshop TIFF Technical Note 3.
I am willing to volunteer to make these changes provided that there is interest and a high probability that my contributions would be evaluated and, if suitable, integrated into the Commons Imaging code base.
Thank you for your attention in this matter.
Issue Links
- duplicates
IMAGING-102 TIFF parser does not support floating-point images
- Closed
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