Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
According to IEP-131 DisasterRecoveryManager#resetPartitions will be the core method for recovering partition majority availability. If only nodes [A, B, C] are alive from the partition assignments, NodeImpl#resetPeers mechanism will be called with the target topology [A, B, C].
This approach is wrong, because if NodeImpl#resetPeers with [A, B, C] will be called on nodes A, B, C and NodeImpl#resetPeers with [A] will be called on node A, it could lead to the situation when we will have two leaders, one from B, C because the form majority, and leader A from the configuration [A].
To resolve this problem, DisasterRecoveryManager#resetPartitions must work in two phases: the first phase must call NodeImpl#resetPeers only with a configuration formed from the single node (with the most up-to-date log, in our example it could be A), and after that rebalance on [A, B, C] must be scheduled.
Definition of Done
- resetPartitions must fork in two phases. Reset to the single most up-to-date node and schedule new rebalance with targetTopology that is the alive nodes from the current stable assignments
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