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  1. Ignite
  2. IGNITE-20033

Implement local txnStateMap





      For some purposes, in addition to persistent txnState in commit partition, it's required to have a txn meta on every transactional actor: txn coordinator, commit partition (both primary and all backups) and all enlisted partitions (both primary and backups). IEP-91 names such meta holder as txn state map and specifies following structure

      txId -> (txState, txCoordAddr, commitTs)

      Such map is originally designed to provide required information for writeIntentResolution: txState for local write intent resolution and txCoordAddr for coordinator-path one, but that's not all it's good for, so it definitely worth to implement it as soon as possible in order to unblock further activities.

      -Why we have this ticket in "commit partition recovery" pack?

      -Because in order to implement proper handling of a commit partition primary replica change (which is definitely a part of the "commit partition pack") it's required to:

      1. Support local txnStateMap, in order to
      2. Implement writeIntentResolution coordinator path, in order to
      3. Calculate commitTimestamp on txn coordtinator istead of commit partition, where we do it now.

      Definition of Done

      Every transactional actor

      • Txn Coordinator.
      • CommitPartition, both primary and all backups.
      • All enlisted partitions, both primary and all backups.

      should have volatile txnStateMap with following suggested structure 'txId -> (txState, txCoordAddr, commitTs)'.


      Given map should be adjusted before any further transactional actions within node in a following way:

      • Transaction coordinator.
        • On transaction start with state PENDING.
        • On transaction commit, right after commitTimestamp calucalttion with state FINISHING.
        • On txFinishReplicaResponse with either COMMITED or ABORTED.
      • Commit partition.
        • On replica touch with state PENDING.
        • After succefull finishTxCommand application on majoirty with either COMMITED or ABORTED.
        • Seems that we don't need FINISHING state here, so let's skip it for now.
      • Enlisted replica.
        • Primary
          • On replica touch with state PENDING.
          • On TxCleanupCommand COMMITED or ABORTED.
        • Backup
          • On touch replication PENDING.
          • On TxCleanupCommand COMMITED or ABORTED, same as for primary.

      Implementation Notes

      There are some open questions:

      • Where to put this txnStateMap? TxManager?
      • Properly handle same map multiple updates, based on the fact that Commit Partition is also an enlisted partition. To be honest I believe it's not that important. We may extent possible state change application rules to assume that null > PENDING, PENDING  > FINISHING, PENDING > COMMITED, PENDING > ABORTED, PENDING > PENDING, COMMITED > COMMITED and ABORTED > ABORTED are all possible.
      • Eliminate excessive map updates in case of "one-phase commit". https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-15927
      • Substitute org.apache.ignite.internal.tx.impl.TxManagerImpl#states with txnStateMap.
      • Definte "touch".
      • It's reasonbale to use non-consistent node id as txCoordAddr because currently there's no sense in sending TxStateReq to the node that lost it's local txnStateMap because of node restart.



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              Denis Chudov Denis Chudov
              alapin Alexander Lapin
              Vladislav Pyatkov Vladislav Pyatkov
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue



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                  Remaining Estimate - 0h
                  Time Spent - 2h