Start single node cluster:
git commit 78946d4c branch mainbuild by: ./gradlew clean allDistZip -x test -x integrationTest -x check -x modernizer start by: /tmp/ignite3-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ignite3-db-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT$ export IGNITE_HOME=$(pwd) /tmp/ignite3-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ignite3-db-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT$ bin/ignite3db start Starting Ignite 3... Node named defaultNode started successfully. REST addresses are [] /tmp/ignite3-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ignite3-cli-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT$ bin/ignite3 cluster init --cluster-endpoint-url=http://localhost:10300 --cluster-name=c1 --meta-storage-node=defaultNode Cluster was initialized successfully
Code below just create <TABLES> tables with <COLUMNS+1> columns (int key and varchar cols) and insert <ROWS> rows into each table (with SLEEP ms interval between operations, with <RETRY> attemps.
import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; public class TimeoutExceptionReproducer { private static final String DB_URL = "jdbc:ignite:thin://"; private static final int COLUMNS = 10; private static final String TABLE_NAME = "K"; private static final int ROWS = 100000; private static final int TABLES = 3; private static final int BATCH_SIZE = 100; private static final int SLEEP = 0; private static final int RETRY = 1; private static String getCreateSql(String tableName) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("create table ").append(tableName).append(" (id int primary key"); for (int i = 0; i < COLUMNS; i++) { sql.append(", col").append(i).append(" varchar NOT NULL"); } sql.append(")"); return sql.toString(); } private static final void s() { if (SLEEP > 0) { try { Thread.sleep(SLEEP); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // NoOp } } } private static void createTables(Connection connection, String tableName) throws SQLException { try (Statement stmt = connection.createStatement()) { System.out.println("Creating " + tableName); stmt.executeUpdate("drop table if exists " + tableName ); s(); stmt.executeUpdate(getCreateSql(tableName)); s(); } } private static String getInsertSql(String tableName) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("insert into ").append(tableName).append(" values(?"); for (int i = 0; i < COLUMNS; i++) { sql.append(", ?"); } sql.append(")"); return sql.toString(); } private static void insertBatch(PreparedStatement ps) { int retryCounter = 0; while(retryCounter <= RETRY) { try { ps.executeBatch(); return; } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println(retryCounter + " error while executing " + ps + ":" + e); retryCounter++; } } } private static void insertData(Connection connection, String tableName) throws SQLException { long ts = System.currentTimeMillis(); try (PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(getInsertSql(tableName))) { int batch = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++) { ps.setInt(1, i); for (int j = 2; j < COLUMNS + 2; j++) { ps.setString(j, "value" + i + "_" + j); } ps.addBatch(); batch++; if (batch == BATCH_SIZE) { batch = 0; insertBatch(ps); ps.clearBatch(); System.out.println("Batch " + BATCH_SIZE + " took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ts) + " to get " + i + " rows"); s(); ts = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } if (batch > 0) { insertBatch(ps); ps.clearBatch(); s(); } } } private static int testData(Connection connection, String tableName) throws SQLException { try (Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select count(*) from " + tableName);) {; int count = rs.getInt(1); int result = ROWS - count; if (result == 0) { System.out.println("Found " + count + " rows in " + tableName); } else { System.err.println("Found " + count + " rows in " + tableName + " instead of " + ROWS); } s(); return result; } } public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException { int lostRows = 0; try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(DB_URL)) { for (int i = 0; i < TABLES; i++) { String tableName = TABLE_NAME + i; createTables(connection, tableName); insertData(connection, tableName); lostRows += testData(connection, tableName); } } System.exit(lostRows); } }
Leads to
1) Replication timeout exceptions like:
0 error while executing org.apache.ignite.internal.jdbc.JdbcPreparedStatement@68999068:java.sql.BatchUpdateException: IGN-CMN-65535 TraceId:335d779d-bee2-41be-a723-8a34a3b40347 Remote query execution 0 error while executing org.apache.ignite.internal.jdbc.JdbcPreparedStatement@6973b51b:java.sql.BatchUpdateException: IGN-REP-3 TraceId:b2d7a459-f3bf-497b-9bfb-bc7126813cd5 Replication is timed out [replicaGrpId=d3c988c3-0c7f-483e-bbc3-b9b124df144c_part_20]
2) Data loss. Queries:
Count(*) from K1
Found 99877 rows in K1 instead of 100000.
See server logs in the attachment (, TimeoutExceptionReproducer (
Issue Links
- duplicates
IGNITE-18379 Sql. Insertions failed with "Replication is timed out".
- Resolved
- relates to
IGNITE-19412 Potential memory leak in MailboxRegistryImpl under intensive SQL load
- Resolved