Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
In order to prevent inconsistent reads, raft replays local stable raft log on raft node restart in see org.apache.ignite.raft.jraft.core.NodeImpl#init. However, occurred that such approach led to a deadlock:
1. Restart of the table waited for the raft log to replay.
2. Log record waiter for index to be ready.
3. Index manager waited the table to be created to create index on top of it, that is awaited in step 2.
Given issue was addressed in and later slightly updated in in a way that logApplyComplition future was introduced that is completed when all local stable log records are applied (org.apache.ignite.raft.jraft.core.NodeImpl):
public boolean init(final NodeOptions opts) { ... // Wait committed. long commitIdx = logManager.getLastLogIndex(); CompletableFuture<Long> logApplyComplition = new CompletableFuture<>(); if (commitIdx > fsmCaller.getLastAppliedIndex()) { LastAppliedLogIndexListener lnsr = new LastAppliedLogIndexListener() { @Override public void onApplied( long lastAppliedLogIndex) { if (lastAppliedLogIndex >= commitIdx) { logApplyComplition.complete(lastAppliedLogIndex); ... } } }; ... }
Depending on replication group type given logApplyComplition is either blocks access to restoring data until ready or is synchronously awaited on start.
For meta storage and CMG latter is used (org.apache.ignite.internal.raft.Loza).
public CompletableFuture<RaftGroupService> startRaftGroupNode( RaftNodeId nodeId, PeersAndLearners configuration, RaftGroupListener lsnr, RaftGroupEventsListener eventsLsnr ) throws NodeStoppingException { ... // TODO: Meta storage and cmg raft log re-application in async manner raftServer.raftNodeReadyFuture(nodeId.groupId()).join(); ... }
For partitions, access is blocked until local recovery is finished, see org.apache.ignite.internal.replicator.Replica#ready usage for more details.
Definition of Done
- Implement meta storage and cmg raft log re-application in async manner like it's done for partitions.
Issue Links
- is caused by
IGNITE-18203 Table/index dependecy deadlock on node restart
- Resolved