statement ok CREATE TABLE integers(i INTEGER) statement ok INSERT INTO integers VALUES (1), (2), (3), (NULL) query IT SELECT i, EXISTS(SELECT i FROM integers WHERE i=i1.i) FROM integers i1 ORDER BY i NULLS FIRST; ---- NULL false 1 true 2 true 3 true
statement ok CREATE TABLE integers(i INTEGER) statement ok INSERT INTO integers VALUES (1), (2), (3), (NULL) # SUM on exists query R SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT i FROM integers WHERE i=i1.i) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM integers i1; ---- 3.000000
checked with mysql, all ok there.
Issue Links
- is fixed by
IGNITE-15584 Calcite. Failed to parse query with IN and simple subquery.
- Resolved
- is part of
IGNITE-12248 Apache Calcite based query execution engine
- Open
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