

    • Sub-task
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 2.9
    • 3.0
    • spark
    • None
    • Docs Required, Release Notes Required


      Also, in Spark was fixed bug with incorrect null handling on columns in codition


      It leads to IgniteOptimizationJoinSpec fixes (the same thing was in the previous migration from 2.2 to 2.3)


      Also, in Spark was fixed bug with incorrect null handling on columns in codition


      It leads to IgniteOptimizationJoinSpec fixes (the same thing was in the previous migration from 2.2 to 2.3)



      I made experiment with Spark code for version 2.3 it generates the next plan

      == Parsed Logical Plan ==
      'Project 'jt1.id AS id1#28, 'jt1.val1, 'jt2.id AS id2#29, 'jt2.val2
      +- 'Join LeftOuter, ('jt1.val1 = 'jt2.val2)
      :- 'UnresolvedRelation `jt1`
      +- 'UnresolvedRelation `jt2`

      == Analyzed Logical Plan ==
      id1: string, val1: string, id2: string, val2: string
      Project id#10 AS id1#28, val1#11, id#24 AS id2#29, val2#25
      +- Join LeftOuter, (val1#11 = val2#25)
      :- SubqueryAlias jt1
      : +- Relationid#10,val1#11 csv
      +- SubqueryAlias jt2
      +- Relationid#24,val2#25 csv

      == Optimized Logical Plan ==
      Project id#10 AS id1#28, val1#11, id#24 AS id2#29, val2#25
      +- Join LeftOuter, (val1#11 = val2#25)
      :- Relationid#10,val1#11 csv
      +- Relationid#24,val2#25 csv


      The 2.4 generates

      == Parsed Logical Plan ==
      'Project 'jt1.id AS id1#28, 'jt1.val1, 'jt2.id AS id2#29, 'jt2.val2
      +- 'Join LeftOuter, ('jt1.val1 = 'jt2.val2)
      :- 'UnresolvedRelation `jt1`
      +- 'UnresolvedRelation `jt2`

      == Analyzed Logical Plan ==
      id1: string, val1: string, id2: string, val2: string
      Project id#10 AS id1#28, val1#11, id#24 AS id2#29, val2#25
      +- Join LeftOuter, (val1#11 = val2#25)
      :- SubqueryAlias `jt1`
      : +- Relationid#10,val1#11 csv
      +- SubqueryAlias `jt2`
      +- Relationid#24,val2#25 csv

      == Optimized Logical Plan ==
      Project id#10 AS id1#28, val1#11, id#24 AS id2#29, val2#25
      +- Join LeftOuter, (val1#11 = val2#25)
      :- Relationid#10,val1#11 csv
      +- Filter isnotnull(val2#25)
      +- Relationid#24,val2#25 csv


      The +- Filter isnotnull(val2#25) is added in optimized logical plan

      But in reality it doesn't work properly (and doesn't filter in Spark), but wow! It works for Ignite (because we honestly work with Spark plan)


      If you enable next option 

      .config("ignite.disableSparkSQLOptimization", "true") - the behaviour will be the same in Ignite and Spark and will not add the filter


      The best approach for Spark 2.4 - disableSparkOptimization before fixing on Spark side (I could create a bug for this)




            zaleslaw Alexey Zinoviev
            zaleslaw Alexey Zinoviev
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

