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  1. iBatis for Java [READ ONLY]
  2. IBATIS-690

Add versioning information to ibator documentation



    • New Feature
    • Status: Open
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 2.3.4
    • None
    • Documentation, Ibator
    • None
    • Online (HTML) documentation for ibator


      In visiting http://ibatis.apache.org/docs/tools/ibator/index.html for ibator information, I noticed there was no version information (ibator 1.2.1-681 is what I run locally). It would be good to have a header in these online pages to note the ibator version(s) the documentation applies to. This will be especially useful with a new version of Ibatis (and Ibator) coming out--I assume that for a while there will be a need for both the old and new versions of documentation to be available, noting the relevant ibator versions at the top of each page would help reduce confusion. For example, "This documentation is for ibator version 1.0 to 1.2.1, see also the <a href="ibator2/index.html">ibator 2.0 documentation</a>".

      As a new user it took me some research to verify that the ibator 1.2.1 was inteded to be used with ibatis version 2.

      It would be a nice addition to the Introduction page of the ibator documentation to point out that it works with ibatis version 2, and maybe note that a new version 3 of ibatis is on the way, and will have its own version of ibator (version X) at some point.




            Unassigned Unassigned
            kentanaka Ken Tanaka
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