current implemention in version 5.1, when connection gracefully shutdown and receives a single HEADERS frame with END_HEADERS flag set, it will throws "Stream refused" exception, not sure about this.
As RFC7540 section 4.3 defines, looks like single HEADERS frame should be consumed.
This code in org/apache/hc/core5/http2/impl/nio/
Oleg Kalnichevski
made changes -
Resolution | Fixed [ 1 ] | |
Status | Reopened [ 4 ] | Resolved [ 5 ] |
Oleg Kalnichevski
made changes -
Fix Version/s | 5.1.3 [ 12350658 ] | |
Fix Version/s | 5.2-alpha3 [ 12350708 ] |
Oleg Kalnichevski
made changes -
Assignee | Oleg Kalnichevski [ olegk ] | |
Resolution | Invalid [ 6 ] | |
Status | Closed [ 6 ] | Reopened [ 4 ] |
made changes -
Resolution | Invalid [ 6 ] | |
Status | Open [ 1 ] | Closed [ 6 ] |
made changes -
Description |
current implemention in version 5.1, when connection gracefully shutdown and receives a single HEADERS frame with END_HEADERS flag set, it will throws "Stream refused" exception, not sure about this.
As RFC7540 section 4.3 defines, looks like single HEADERS frame should be consumed. |
current implemention in version 5.1, when connection gracefully shutdown and receives a single HEADERS frame with END_HEADERS flag set, it will throws "Stream refused" exception, not sure about this.
As RFC7540 section 4.3 defines, looks like single HEADERS frame should be consumed. This code in org/apache/hc/core5/http2/impl/nio/ !image-2021-11-08-20-07-02-610.png! |
made changes -
Attachment | image-2021-11-08-20-07-02-610.png [ 13035834 ] |
made changes -
Field | Original Value | New Value |
Attachment | image-2021-11-08-20-06-43-301.png [ 13035833 ] |
created issue -
Commit 7ae878d018f630cd635662c8954924200614b830 in httpcomponents-core's branch refs/heads/github_ci_on_win from Oleg Kalnichevski
[;h=7ae878d01 ]
HTTPCORE-696: H2 protocol handler to ensure minimal processing of incoming frames during a graceful shutdown.