This code in BaseIOReactor
protected void timeoutCheck(final SelectionKey key, long now) {
Object attachment = key.attachment();
if (attachment instanceof SessionHandle) {
SessionHandle handle = (SessionHandle) key.attachment();
IOSession session = handle.getSession();
int timeout = session.getSocketTimeout();
if (timeout > 0) {
if (handle.getLastReadTime() + timeout < now) {
is looking at the last read time. This will be the creation of the connection (if new) or the last time the session was used, if a keepalive connection. If what you connect to has relatively high idle times on its keepalive connections (say 60s) and you submit a request against it after it has been idle for 15 seconds, you lose 15 seconds off your actual timeout.
For example, in my submitRequest:
public HttpRequest submitRequest(final HttpContext context) {
i set the read timeout on a per request basis:
if (timeout != null)
{ connection.setSocketTimeout((int) timeout.getReadTimeout()); }to, e.g. 120 s. My request is for this cgi:
echo "content-type: text/plain"
echo ""
sleep 110
If I use an existing session, this typically times out because it counts from the last read from the request.
Further evidence, if I have the session and I reset the last read time in submitRequest(), it works correctly:
{ final Field field = session.getClass().getDeclaredField("key"); field.setAccessible(true); final SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey) field.get(session); final SessionHandle handle = (SessionHandle) key.attachment(); handle.resetLastRead(); }catch (final Exception e)
{ log.debug("unable to access key", e); }